Berries Goji - Contraindications

Berries Goji - Contraindications

Undoubtedly, the berries of Goji (the fruits of Dereza) are very rich in useful trace elements that contribute to improving metabolism and, as a result, help to lose painlessly and harmlessly. But before you introduce this product to your diet, it is desirable to consult with a doctor - a therapist, an allergist or a nutritionist.

Fruits of Dereza in any form nursing or pregnant women are contraindicated.

People who suffer from allergies to pollen or on yellow-red-orange berries, vegetables and fruits should refrain from the use of berries of Goji, since the manifestations of urticaria are possible, because G., like other berries of this category, are quite strong allergens.

Do not take berries to those who suffer from diarrhea, flatulence or bloating. At elevated temperature or fever, these fruits cannot be consumed in any form. The harm brought by the use of Goji in these cases can be advised to benefit.

Reception of berries may affect the action of drugs from diabetes and to reduce blood pressure, reinforcing or relaxing them. It is important that Goji can affect the absorption of drugs that are metabolized through a human liver, for example, ibuprofen, losartan, diclofenac, phenytoin. A side effect is also possible in the form of changes in the effectiveness of parallel drugs.


Even if there are no contraindications with respect to berries, there is no use of them to limit one tablespoon with a small slide per day. You can use them as in dried form and brew, add to porridge, pies, yogurts and meat dishes.

In case of an overdess of berries, the Goji can be observed insomnia even with those who have not come across this before. Explain it is easy, because they have a pronounced effect of energy. In this case, the portions should be reduced and transfer the intake of berries in the morning time.

Observing the above-described warning and instructions, it is safe to make a variety of food in the form of a natural environmental product - Goji berries. The benefits of them are disproportionally more than the effect of chemical drugs for weight loss. And let the process of acquiring a slim figure will not be instantaneous, the weight is guaranteed to decrease, and extra kilograms will not return again.

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