Monastery Tea - True or Divorce

Monastery Tea - True or Divorce

According to the legend, tea, subsequently named monastic, was preparing the monks from one Solovetsky monastery. He helped strengthen the weakened organism, restore the strength, remove heat and pain, raise sick people to their feet. Summers from tea tightened wounds. The tea consisted of a richberry - fruits and roots, nine-roots, a hunter and souls - grass, as well as black tea.

The fruits and roots of Rosehip - a multivitamine. This is a source of vitamins A, B, K, E and trace elements. According to the content of vitamin with rosehip broke all records. There is no other such product that could be compared with him. In the rosehip of ascorbic acid 10 times more compared to black currant and 50 times than in lemones. Infusion of rosehips along with other medicines helps to treat kidneys, digestion organs, destroys pathogenic bacteria.

We restrict the infusion of rosehip and use with caution:

  • with ulcerative disease and gastritis;
  • people with elevated blood coagulation;
  • in heart failure.


Nine root helps with tuberculosis and respiratory diseases. It has an expectorant action. More Folk Healers Ninexil is treated hypertension, heartlessness, dental pain. Ninewood root is an anthecker drug.

Contraindications to the use of nine:

  • pregnancy;
  • menstrual period;
  • atherosclerosis of vessels;
  • hypotension;
  • kidney disease.


Herbus herb has antiseptic, painkillers, choleretic and diuretic actions. St. John's wort is used in female inflammatory diseases. They soothe the nervous system, strengthen the blood supply, raise immunity. The use of Hypericum herbs for a long time or without dosage can cause pain in the liver, stomach and intestines. Hypericum and contraindications when it cannot be used:

  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • with painkillers, heartbreaks and antidepressants.

St. John's wig

First of all, the oregano (motherboard) is useful for women with gynecological diseases. It helps and with nervous disorders to suppress stress. In the ethereal of the souls contains carvacrol. This substance can destroy harmful microbes stronger than antibiotics. Helps soul with hypertension, diabetes mellitus. Another name of the Oregano - Orego. Famous spice. We use it for the first and second dishes, sings of cucumbers, cabbage.


  • pregnancy;
  • chronic heart disease and vessels;
  • chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • men reduces attraction for women.


Tea prepare in the morning for the whole day. We take a half-table of a berry of a rosehip and crushed root of nine, pour 5 liters of boiling water and tomim on a weak heat under the lid for 3 hours. We add 1 tbsp. A spoon of the Hypericum and souls, 2 teaspoons of black tea, 1 g rose rose. Tim for another 20 minutes. We drink tea how much I want. Optionally, add honey.

Each grass has both beneficial properties and contraindications. Before starting to be treated with monastic tea, you need to consult with your doctor.

Comments leave a comment
Margarita 06/08/2015 at 0:27

Ordered antiparasitarian tea. Not only were instead of mail sent by the courier, which came among the night, not yet the tea brought. They brought simply monastic tea, in another package, it is not clear what it is, and is it possible to drink it. Paying such money for it is not clear that - I do not advise you to order it anyone. Unless you have extra money

yuri. 12/11/2015 at 10:53.

Ordered antiparasitic manastyr tea in990 rubles. I called and not asking me agree. I did not have a 3 pack per 2400 with something. Sending from Ufa. Doubtful something.

Vlad 01/01/2016 at 16:24

Clean water Haltur. This "antiparasitarian" tea is not more than 100 rubles. In addition, although I ordered it, sent "healing" tea, and even a certificate for "Monastic Tea" (in which, by the way, as a manufacturer is indicated by LLC "Online Express", Moscow). The sticker states that "assembled by monks and made in the monastery", and packing "on request" Health "LLC. So linden full !!


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