Does liquid chestnut helps to lose weight

Does liquid chestnut helps to lose weight

Liquid chestnut is powder. It is absolutely not liquid, and raw materials for him is not growing on those trees that we used to see in our territory. Such a plant can be found in Brazil, South America. It is called "Amazon Guarana". Externally, fruits are like chestnuts. V online store You can purchase a powder of large guarana seeds. Packaging in liquid chestnut different: there are plastic white in red boxes, there are gray-green twisting jars, and sometimes traders send a brown powder to their customers in a bag of foil.

The implementers assure their customers that this is an effective slimming drug. Thanks to this substance:

  • Improving well-being;
  • A person is charged with cheerfulness, thanks to Guaranu, who, by its nature, similar to ordinary coffee;
  • Liquid chestnut cleans the human body from toxins;
  • The youth remains due to the presence of antioxidants in the agent;
  • The tool contributes to the burning of excess fats.

Order-liquid chestnut

However, in addition to the above, the sellers of "Amazon Guarana" claim that the drug is effective if a person together with his reception still complies with the diet and is engaged in physical training. Then the month can be reset from 5 to 7 kg, and the weight will not return. After all, liquid chestnut reduces appetite.

Nutritionists say that Guranian is an effective stimulator, in Brazil it is added to drinks, into chocolate as energy. Nowhere is not indicated that it burns fats. Even the powder includes: theophylline, theobromine, antioxidants, minerals. Theophylline should be taken with caution, with long-term use there are adverse reactions - heartburn, vomiting, loss of appetite. It acts on the nervous system as caffeine. Theobromin is an element that enhances the mood, increases physical, mental activity, is used as doping. In case of overdose, discomfort in the abdomen, headaches, reinforced urination.

Liquid chestnut has contraindications. If you feel high heartbeat, unpleasant feelings in the stomach, insomnia, then stop consuming Guaran. Also can also drink tea with powder:

  • At elevated pressure (hypertension);
  • Pregnant and children under 16;
  • Patients with diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • When disordering the nervous system, sleep impairment;
  • If there is a pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • In the intestinal disease and ulcers;
  • If you are allergic to powder.

The maximum dose of taking liquid chestnut per day - 3 grams, it is impossible to exceed it. Otherwise, a shiver may arise in the upper and lower limbs, headaches, confusion of consciousness, vomiting, ringing in the ears and other symptoms. Guaran is allowed to drink as an additive completely healthy people. Reading the reviews of buyers of brown powder, we can conclude that few people achieved the desired results. Someone says that over the month threw just one kilogram, and some and not discarded. Only part of women boasts that engage in sports, using this supplement and limiting food intake, they have achieved good results - minus five to seven kilograms per month. It is noticeable that those people who completely changed their lifestyle remain dissatisfied.

In general, Amazon Guarana does not inspire special trust as a way to achieve fast weight loss. Most likely, it is only an edible natural stimulant that encourages actions. If you do not have the power of the will and you do not want to change your sedentary lifestyle to the movable and stop using fat, calorie food, then liquid chestnut is useless.

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Marina 01/31/2016 at 9:07.

I ordered a sweet chestnut and drink it is written in the instructions, but for almost two weeks, but I do not see any change in my weight, what does this mean everything about him says this complete nonsense?

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