What helps from nausea

What helps from nausea

Quite often nausea is the symptom of the upcoming vomiting. The reasons for this very unpleasant condition is quite a lot. They include food, alcoholic, chemical poisoning, dehydration and disruption of the metabolism of the body, disorder of digestion, heartburn, overeating, toxicosis, acute infectious diseases, severe stress, hormonal disorders, etc.. But there are many ways to get rid of nausea.

Before applying certain methods of combating this ailment, it is desirable to understand the reason for its occurrence. Nausea from overeating helps to eliminate decoction from chamomile, beer with ginger, green tea, coca-cola. Just drink about 200 ml of one of these drinks, in which case there will be no empty mesima tablet. In case of poisoning, it is more efficient to use the smect, polyfepan, activated carbon, rigdron (they are adsorbents). To relieve the attack of nausea, accept Cerukal, Mothilimium, Anesthesin, Raglan, Aeron. Strictly follow the instructions. Preferably before taking drugs to consult with the doctor.

Infusion of Romashki.

In poisoning, alcohol will help such ways: add ten drops of ammonia in 250 ml of water and drink, repeat two or three times with a gap in half an hour. Apple vinegar is also used, take it half a tablespoon. Or stir in the cup and use the proteins of two eggs. If nausea from heartburn, can help dill seeds. Fill the tea spoon of their 250 ml of hot water, approve on weak fire for about ten minutes, cool and drink. You can immediately or in several techniques. Regardless of the cause of nausea, breathe more with fresh air, accept Vitamin B6, limit the food intake, especially fatty and acute, add a trapped carnation to the food. Remember that it enhances its nicotine, aspirin, ibuprofen.

Apple vinegar

Universal recipes are the following. Take two parts of the Hypericum, yarrow and eight parts of wormwood. The tablespoon of the mixture of the mixture is filled with a half hot water cups, remove 25 minutes in a water bath. Next, give half an hour, strain. Drink on a third of a glass three times a day, preferably before meal. The decoction of licorice roots is also prepared and used. It can be done like this: 100 g of dry thyme to pour one liter of white wine, to insist the half months in a dark place. To use this tincture twice a day for 50 gr. And the grass of watch three-lines will stimulate digestion. Add 3 teaspoons to the floor of the cold water, insist the night. The infusion of this drink is needed per day.


It is recommended to drink with nausea warm unsweetened tea with lemon. Or shake the lemon pieces. Useful and mint. Suitable tea or decoction with her, as well as lollipops and drops. The leaves make it brew in 300 ml of boiling water, insist two hours and take on one tablespoon three times per day. Snow the essential oil of mint. Effective with nausea ginger. Use it in kind, brew boiling water or add a grated root into food. Able to help the smell of citrus. Clean the grapefruit, lime or orange, break off the slices, leave all this where they spend more time. Take a teaspoon of fresh potato juice before eating. And try to sleep more.

Ginger grated

It is necessary to refer to a specialist if nausea is accompanied by a lack of urination during the day, a protracted vomiting, in the temperature of over 38.5 degrees, as well as in cases of occurrence after hitting the head.

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