How to treat voice ligaments

How to treat voice ligaments

Such an unpleasant illness, as inflammation of voice ligaments, arises due to laryngitis, various infectious and viral diseases (bronchitis, influenza, allergies, etc.), respiratory disorders, their overvoltage due to intense speech load, inhalation of various toxic, irritating substances ( For example, tobacco smoke) and other factors. Because of the inflammation of the ligament may increase, and the voice slot - significantly decrease, which leads to a change in voice timbre, hoarseness or its temporary loss. In addition to peculiarity, the symptoms are manifested in the form of elevated temperatures, total weakness, dry mouth, pain in the region of the larynx. Consider methods of treating voice ligaments.

Remember that in Afony (voice loss) can be brought by banal stresses, so try to avoid them, like supercooling. For the prevention of relapses, start hardening your body, minimize long-term conversations, especially in the cold, increase the tone. If respiratory or infectious diseases have been the cause of inflammation of voice ligaments, refer to the appointment of appropriate medicines to the otolaryngologist or therapist. As a rule, lazolvan, gentamicin, floemucil, resorcinol, tripsil, gomamox, etc. are written out. Purchase a solution of Lugol, lubricate them almonds, larynx. Stationary treatment is required quite rarely, as a rule, with the acute form of edema of the mucous membrane, in other cases therapy is carried out outpatient. It will not be superfluous to undergo a course of physiotherapy. Speak as much as possible, including a whisper, since the ligaments in this case are even stronger.


At the time of treatment, refuse to eat alcohol-containing and carbonated drinks, coffee and black tea, smoking. From the ration temporarily, remove citrus, tomatoes, seeds, crackers, very hot and cold, as well as sharp food. Give preference to products rich in protein, poultry meat, onions and garlic, broths. An important role in the speedy recovery plays warm drinking - at least three liters per day. It can be warm herbal teas and decoctions, for example, from daisy flowers, rosehip, oak bark, nettle, melissa, mint, compotes and fruit, milk. Here is a pair of recipes: a tablespoon of the souls, pour half liters of boiling water, insist a couple of hours, strain, take three times per day at half a cup. Or pour a liter of boiling water a handful of nettle, let it stand for three hours, drink during the day. In the milk, it is better to add butter and liquid honey. It is recommended to dissolve chocolate pieces.


You can mix three spoons of sugar with an egg yolk and a teaspoon of butter butter, eat every half an hour on a dessert spoon of this mass. In 250 ml of heated milk, add a teaspoon of ground ginger, stir, this tool Drink in the morning and in the evening. Try such a recipe: a couple of tablespoons of dry raspberries mix with the same amount of vegetable oil and a spoonful of crushed ginger root, make a mixture in a thermos overnight, take 100 ml. Three times a day, better before meals. Effective and carrot juice, mixed in equal parts with honey, or in the proportion of 1: 3 with milk. It will also help this tool: a pinch of grated shine filled with 100 ml. Hot water, insist two hours, eat three times a day on one teaspoon, you can with honey. Sattail middle turnip, add 300 ml. Water, boil a quarter of an hour, consult in several techniques.


We have a throat of fresh cabbage or potatoes juice, herbal chamomile flowers, chalfts, calendulas, souls, hunter, laurel sheets. Such a recipe is suitable for rinsing: in 500 ml of boiling water Add a handful of onion husks, spend five minutes in a water bath, then insist on three hours, or dissolve in a glass of warm water a couple of lemon or sandalwood droplets. Equally effective and various inhalations. Make them with mineral water, potatoes, thyme, all the herbs listed above, the root of the laptop, brewed seeds of dill or eucalyptus leaves. For the same purposes, take the oil of juniper (three drops of 200 ml of water). Pumpkin oil is recommended to be buried in the throat, and peach or cotton - in the nose.


Remember that the launched inflammation of voice ligaments can take a chronic form, as well as provoke the development of oncological diseases of the larynx.


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Mayan 09/12/2017 at 9:49.

Thanks for the article, since I work as a consultant, I need to constantly tell customers about new products. And it happens that by the end of the week I stay quite without voice (((colleagues advised me to dissolve homeovox, as this is the only means for recovering voice. I helped me.

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