What to drink from nausea

What to drink from nausea

Usually nausea precedes vomiting and is a reflex reaction of the body, poorly controlled by a person. These  two  reactions help cleaning the digestive tract from negative substances provoking intoxication of the human body . To effectively get rid of nausea, you will need to take certain products, drinks and medications. Today we will talk about , what to drink from nausea.

The feeling of nausea begins in the religustal region, causing pallor of skin cover, dizziness, tachycardia, a significant decrease in blood pressure. To obtain an accurate and correct response, a doctor is examined, with surveys, which contribute to identifying reasons.

Most often, the appearance of unpleasant sensations is preceded by serious circumstances:

  • gas poisoning, alcohol, poison or drugs;
  • intoxication;
  • stress, emotional overvoltage;
  • seasickness;
  • pregnancy, first trimester;
  • diseases of digestive organs;
  • intestinal infections;
  • heart failure.

The appearance of nausea without explicit reasons cannot be ignored, and its regular appearance should be discussed with the attending physician.

The first help with a strong attack of nausea and the concomitant vomit is inhalation of ammonic alcohol. Cool air and Validol can also help for a short time to forget about nausea. If you are sure that the nausea overtake you is not a symptom of severe illness, it is possible to eliminate it or improve well-being using folk methods:

  1. Lemon juice remarkably eliminates felling. It is recommended to chew a piece of lemon or drink a savory tea with this fruit. If there is no lemon in the house, you can apply any citrus.
  2. Dill seeds - Productive folk remedy for nausea, which is caused by a stomach disorder. A decoction of seeds is done: tea beds on a glass of water. seed. The decoction is brought to a boil, then becomes cold and focused.
  3. Herbal collection: Valerian, Tsmin, Rosehip and Coriander. The composition is flooded with boiling water and insist. For one-time reception, one tablespoon of collection is enough. The resulting drink is drunk on tea lies. 35 minutes before meals.
  4. The root of licorice naked. It is prepared in the infusion of tea lies. chuckled root and glass of boiling water. Then it is placed in a water bath for 25 minutes. Cooled and stopped. It is used on the dining room, 4 times a day, before meals.
  5. Also many for prophylaxis The occurrence of nausea is used by juice of currant, a drink from ginger, tincture on orange alcohol or lemon crusts, tea from Melissa. Emptying with a sour cabbage and potato juice.

Purpose medicines Exercised by a doctor. Self-treatment is not recommended if the reason is unknown. In grave situations, emergency hospitalization is necessary. Features of drug use:

  1. If nausea appeared as a result of a long trip or flight, then accept special preparations (from the indication of either the dramina).
  2. Suspens the attacks of nausea are still using anesthesine, domperidone, regulated, Cerukhala, Aeron. But you should carefully examine the instructions to be confident in the absence of contraindications.
  3. For symptomatic treatment is not a severe form of nausea, metoclopramide is prescribed.
  4. A grave form arising, for example, under the influence of oncological diseases, is cured with the use of ondansetron and tropeetrone.
  5. To restore the water-electrolyte balance, broken by long-term attacks of vomiting, recommended solutions of salts - ringer, recorder.

There are several recommendations in the case of suddenly floating nausea:

  1. Sit calmly. The state is exacerbated due to body mobility. Calm down, sitting either lying, and maybe nausea will pass. Ideally, if you manage to relax and sleep. After a dream, the feeling of the felling can pass.
  2. Breathe deeply. Pure fresh air will help reduce anxiety and calm the stomach. You can use the fan.
  3. Attach a cool compress to the back of the neck. The cold stabilizes the body temperature and reduce the symptoms of nausea.
  4. Need to be distracted. Listen to music, look at the film, talk with a friend on the phone, etc., if the symptoms of nausea are caused by anxiety, it will help.
  5. Remove the strong smells. Strong aromas can excite your stomach, which will strengthen nausea. After all, the smell is directly dependent on the digestive system.

After the attacks of strong nausea, somewhere 5 hours it is undesirable to eat and drink, with the exception of water and decoctions. Subsequently, you need to stick to the diet: light broth, rice or oatmeal on the water. It is necessary to abandon fried, acute, fatty, dairy products, cigarettes, alcoholic beverages.

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