How to clean the intestine

How to clean the intestine

Daily in the human body accumulates an impressive amount of toxins and slags, which become causes of many diseases, metabolic disorders, general ailment, reduction of working capacity. They are poisons paralyzing our body, from which it is simply necessary to periodically get rid of. The consequences of the glued organism in general and the intestines in particular can be different - from the difficulty of breathing due to excessive intestinal pressure on the diaphragm, poor operation of the urogenital system, before the slags of the internal organs. According to experts, the intestine cleansing the best results brings in the autumn period, since it is at this time of year that it works more actively, but it is better to carry out these procedures as necessary.

If you are tormented by an irregular chair (diarrhea and constipation), regular bloating, a constant feeling of weakness, nonstusting breath, with the cleansing of the intestine it is better not to delay. The most effective means for this is considered to be withdrawal. Do her better on weekends, when there is no need to go somewhere to go somewhere. The amount of fluid injected into the body should be one or two liters, be sure to room temperature. You can make the procedure using a rubber pear or an Escama mug. Add half the teaspoon of a nasty baby soap to the water, this will strengthen efficiency. Try honeymalls, for this take a tablespoon of liquid honey and juice of half of the lemon, mix, add 250 ml of water. Or coffee - bring a glass of water to boiling to boil, pumped three tablespoons of ground coffee and cook for about ten minutes, then strain and let it cool, fill in the enema. If this method is not suitable for any reason, you can resort to microclism.


Before cleaner procedures, help your body get rid of slags, softening them, for this just accept the hot bath. Remember that the mechanical cleaning of the intestine is contraindicated with the recently conducted intestinal operation, the presence of abdominal or groin, bleeding gasts. Exclude it and in the presence of strong pain in the anus area or the rectum. In this case, resort to the use of various drugs, such as Fortrans, Lavacolak, Mirolaks, exported. If you are able to drink a large amount of liquid, try such a means: in the morning for an hour and a half, drink eight glasses of salted water. Salt take a special (sold in a pharmacy), or a cooking, at the rate of a teaspoon per liter of water. Or such: Heat 250 ml of mineral water, into one second part Personal a half of the xylitol spoons, stirre and immediately drink. Then go around the apartment, without sitting down. In twenty minutes, drink the remaining water and go again. After that, you will use 250 ml of pure mineral water.


A very effective means for cleansing is the use of bran, which, moreover, activate the digestion, absorb toxins, have a choleretic effect. Eat two tablespoons on three tablespoons on a day, drink with non-carbonated water. Intestinal peristalsis improve herbal tea from daisy and mint flowers, drink them two or three cups per day for a month. But coffee and black tea from their diet will exclude, give preference to mineral and melt water. No less useful to achieve the desired result and freshly squeezed juices - carrot, beet, plum, cucumber and spinach. Drink at least three glasses daily. They need to be made from carrots with the addition of beets, cucumbers or spinach. Drink them daily at least three glasses. Also do not forget about fruits and vegetables containing fiber. Especially helping the intestinal cleaning and apples, eat two a day, better in grate. After their use, set aside the next meal for three hours. Enter the carrot, beets, celery and cabbage into your diet.


Pretty good with the task is done by such a means: boil the glass of milk, leave for a day in a warm place, just watch the cottage cheese or serum appear in it. Then add a spoonful of sunflower oil, mix and drink, it is better to do it overnight. Try such a recipe: a teaspoon of dry grass hill hill hill fill 200 ml of boiling water, insist a couple of hours and drink. The course of such a procedure is a half months. This agent is also effective: pour a glass of boiling water a tea spoon of flax seeds, let it stand for three hours, ready to drink with infusion. Or take an empty stomach on a tablespoon of rowan tincture during the week. Try this way: to pass the rose berries and eat every day in the mornings of ten pieces. It will not be superfluous to achieve the best result before eating to eat a clove of fresh garlic.


If the above intestinal cleansing methods turned out to be not effective for you, resort to the most effective procedure - hydrocolonotherapy.

Comments leave a comment
Margo 10/07/2018 at 11:20

Here is the enema during constipation is not the best option ... Only the microflora can be used yourself. I took the phytoqil norm, + another kefir cocktail with a prune and teaspoon of sugar. The chair was normal in full, the intestines really became easier ... So now, after a while, there are no problems. And the enema, as a rule, are briefly valid.

To answer
Yakimova 14/09/2019 at 12:29

The enemas and simple laxatives are clearly not for me .... In general, I, who, probably, laststed the entire Internet at one time in search of how to clean the intestine and how to quickly get rid of the constipation ... So it's all that it was all tormented. As a result, the decision was simple - it was necessary to simply force the intestine to work independently, improve his motility (only it is possible to get rid of constipation on an ongoing basis, and not one evening). Having accepted, by the way, Fillax + was still trying to do massages in a special way to do daily, to improve the peristalsis ... As a result, the intestine works like a clock)

To answer
Yana. 14/09/2019 at 12:30

The enemas and simple laxatives are clearly not for me .... In general, I, who, probably, laststed the entire Internet at one time in search of how to clean the intestine and how to quickly get rid of the constipation ... So it's all that it was all tormented. As a result, the decision was simple - it was necessary to simply force the intestine to work independently, improve his motility (only it is possible to get rid of constipation on an ongoing basis, and not one evening). Having accepted, by the way, Fillax + was still trying to do massages in a special way to do daily, to improve the peristalsis ... As a result, the intestine works like a clock)

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