How to cause vomotion

How to cause vomotion

Each of us has been in the life of unpleasant moments when it is necessary to cause vomiting. There are a lot of reasons: overeating, extra alcoholic beverages, bad food. Vomiting will help to get rid of the body from the toxins and poisons in it. The body lacks his strength, so you need to help him. There are many ways to cause vomiting.

We cause vomiting by mechanical way

Take advantage of the following tips:

  • use your fingers or a large spoon. Touch the thin end of the spoon or the finger of the language of the language. You provoke an irritation of its root, spasms will appear in the stomach and want to snatch. If it did not help - shove two fingers deeper into your mouth or use long hair;
  • imagine that you ate something nasty taste. Use all your fantasy. Imagine everything with details, help your fingers, putting them into your mouth;
  • share on the swing. Do it immediately after eating. If there are no swing - go through the room, quickly shove your head in different directions. Your actions will cause nausea and vomiting.

With all the above methods, you first drink a lot of water. Water squeaks in the throat of food com and overflow the stomach. This will be an additional incentive.

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We cause vomiting tablets

Use special tablets to clean the stomach:

  • Apomorphine, ardor in tablets and levodopa. These medicines are used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. They cannot be used pregnant. Many women cause vomiting by these pills for weight loss;
  • licarin hydrochloride. Used as an expectorant for diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Will help cause vomiting;
  • Paroxetine and fluoxetine. These are antidepressants, but can help in an unpleasant problem.

In pharmacies you will be offered other drugs, but it is undesirable to use for the call of nausea by any pills. Any medicines have side effects.

We cause vomiting with the help of folk remedies

Folk remedies will help cause vomiting and will not harm like pills. To solve an unpleasant problem, use:

  • solution of potassium permanganate. In a liter of warm boiled water diluted with a little potassium permanganate. Water should turn pale pink and hot. Try to drink the solution directly;
  • soda. Dissolve in two liters of water 2 tsp soda. Drink solution gulps;
  • hot tea salt. Do not make the tea too salty. Drink one liter of tea. The taste is unpleasant, but effective;
  • plain water. Boil 3 or 2.5 liters of water and drink gradually warm water. Do not hurry. Expect, when the water overflows the stomach. Stand in the toilet over the toilet, stick his fingers in his mouth and stroking his stomach with his other hand. Repeat until released from the stomach all the water.

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Induce vomiting in animals

If your pet is poisoned, help him clean up the stomach. Take a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Assistant keeps a cat or a dog, and you pour the solution into the mouth gently pet. If the animal does not vomit - repeat the procedure after 15 minutes. The most effective and safest method.

Use the ipecac, but not all veterinarians recommend it - the root toxic. Give your pet a tea spoon of funds. Another way - the use of salt. Dissolve in a teacup teaspoon of salt and make pet drink solution. But the animals rarely drink that amount of salt water.

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All of the above methods of cleaning the stomach have their own characteristics effects on the body. Think before you use them - whether it is necessary for you? If poisoning is necessary to induce vomiting, and weight loss is no good.

Comments leave a comment
Larisa 03.15.2018 at 20:40

I gave my daughter to smell their feet sweating, vomiting came in 3-5 minutes.


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