Heartburn - how to get rid of home

Heartburn - how to get rid of home

Heartburn is an unpleasant process inside a person, accompanied by burning and heat in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach. Before getting rid of it, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of its occurrence. It may be a serious pathology or the usual response of the body for improper nutrition and so on.

There are many ways to stop the state of heartburn yourself. Great can be eliminated with medical preparations and folk methods, using various products, herbs and additives.

How to get rid of heartburn with medicines

Manufacturers offer a huge amount of medical preparations from heartburn. Each of them differs from each other in composition, as well as at a price:

  • Renny - The most popular remedy for heartburn. Sold in the form of absorbing tablets with different tastes. After the adoption of one tablet, heartburn passes for 5 minutes. It is forbidden to use for children under 15 and people suffering hypophosphatemia.
  • AlmaGel - Sold in the form of a suspension. It is consumed strictly after meals, 10 ml, not more than 4 times a day. In addition, immediately after receiving a medical preparation, it is impossible to eat liquid. The use of the drug is prohibited by pregnant women and children under 10 years old.
  • Maaloks. - tablets or suspension, allowed to all people, except for children under 15 and suffering hypophosphatemia. During pregnancy and in the presence of a disease of the kidneys and a gastrointestinal tract, use this medication with extreme caution, it is best to consult with a doctor before applying. Taking a medical preparation you need 15 ml no more than 4 times a day, observing a 2-hour break after meals.
  • Mezim - released in the form of tablets. Not suitable for people suffering from pancreatitis vany of his form. You should take 1-2 tablets before taking food. Children without approval of the doctor give a medicine strictly prohibited.
  • Bellalgin - Medical preparation in tablets. It has a large list of contraindications, does not apply during the tooling of the fetus. Drinking should be 1-2 tablets, up to 10 times a day.

Folk ways to get rid of heartburn

There are people who would not like to accept any medications once again. Moreover, there are a lot of ways to eliminate heartburn with help Natural products and plants.

  • Aloe juice. In the event of heartburns, drink half the teaspoon of the healing plant juice and notice how quickly our organism left.
  • Chewing gum. Try to eliminate heartburn with chewing. It is important to know that for this method you will need an exclusively fruit chewing gum, otherwise there is a risk of enhancing burning in the chest.
  • Water. Drink a glass of warm water, it should not be carbonated, sweet, sour or hot. Only moderately warm. Simple or non-carbonated mineral water.
  • Salt. Take a small pinch of salt and put in your mouth. Slowly dissolve the product and gradually shout out the distinguished saliva.
  • Kalinoye jam. In small metal dishes, put Kalina, then put in the oven together with a deep-bowl with water. Give the berries a little beat out In one hour. Skip the berries through the siete, the peel should be dried. Add a glass of water, at the request of sugar and put on fire boil. Remove the jam from the fire, cool down a little and take 1-2 tsp. jam.
  • Fresh peas. Put in your mouth 4-5 pieces of fresh peas and chew carefully. After a while you will notice that the heartburn disappeared.
  • Aloe and honey. This agent is used in strong borneling attacks. Mix 150 grams of honey and the same amount of the healing plant juice, mix the ingredients thoroughly. Consult a cooked tool need an hour before meals.
  • Activated carbon. Grind 11 tablets of activated carbon in a small capacity. Add half the glass of milk, mix thoroughly and drink. This method is ideal for removing heartburn during pregnancy and during lactation.
  • Potato juice. Clean 4 young potatoes. Rinse vegetable carefully, then soda on a large grater. Top potatoes lay out on the gauze and squeeze the juice into the glass. Give the drink to stand for 2 minutes, after which you immediately drink prepared juice. It is worth noting that this method of treating heartburn must be carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach and only after 40 minutes you can go to the reception of food. It is necessary to conduct a medical procedure daily for two weeks, then organize a break at the same time.
  • Chamomile infusion. Mix 3 tbsp. Chamomile and glass of boiling water. Give a drink for about 30 minutes, then strain and drink. A day you need to drink no more than 3 glasses of chamomile tincture. Take the medicine for 3 weeks.
  • Forest Dyagil. Split leaves and plant seeds with a coffee grinder. Add a glass of boiling water and give a drink to breed. To drink therapeutic tea follows 3 times a day for two weeks.
  • Peppermint. Mix 1 tsp. list Mint and glass of boiling water. Slowly drink the healing decoction and literally after 15 minutes of the heartburn leaves your body.

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