How to get rid of allergies

How to get rid of allergies

Allergy is a serious illness, which is based on the individual intolerance to a person of a substance - allergen. In order to facilitate the external manifestation of the disease or get rid of it completely, it is recommended to comply with a number of conditions.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify an allergen. This can be done only in medical centers, passing the tests and passing all the designated procedures. Not only the method of treatment, but also your life depends on the accuracy of the conclusion. That is why during all these procedures it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions received from the Allergist's doctor.

After the reason for your allergy is installed and contact with the causative agent is minimized, it can be processed to its treatment. The very first thing you should do in order to get rid of allergies - to exclude contact with the causative agent of the disease and clean the stomach with absorbent substances (activated carbon or enetrerisgel). In particularly difficult cases, it is possible to resort to blood purification with plasmapheresis, but since this procedure is very complex and dangerous, it should be carried out only in specialized medical institutions.


In the fight against allergies you will be helped with both medicine and the funds of traditional medicine. Traditional medicines that help get rid of allergies are represented by numerous antihistamine and corticosteroid drugs. The use of any of them should be preceded by a consultation with a doctor and a thorough medical examination. Modern antihistamine drugs have a prolonged action: only one tablet is able to protect you from the action of histamines for 24 hours. These include "Erius", "Loratadin", "Cetirizin", "Zoda", "Tefast" and others. Corticosteroid drugs, for example, "prednisone", "Floosterone" or "Diprospan", are ideal for local applications - they quickly remove inflammation and reduce itching.

From the funds of traditional medicine for the treatment of allergies, it is perfectly suitable:

  1. Decrapers from a series, viburnum or chamomile, drinking that follows daily.
  2. Baths from the same herbs perfectly remove irritation and itching.
  3. A solution of 1 spoons of soda and a glass of warm water perfectly helps in the fight against redness and rash.
  4. Black Tumina oil is also actively used in the fight against allergies. Its use accelerates the body saturation process with fatty acids and activates its protective functions. In addition, the grains of this plant are often used in the process of preparing the solution for inhalation.
  5. The world-famous additive "Mumina" is an excellent means in the fight against allergies. To treat this ailment, the additive is mixed with milk or honey. The resulting mass is taken twice a day for 20 days. To fully get rid of the disease, several courses of treatment may be needed.

However, it is not enough to get enough to get rid of drug adding allergies - you will have to very carefully control your life: carefully choose products, get rid of bad habits, drink purified water, wipe dust daily and make wet cleaning, maintain optimal humidity and temperature in the apartment. Despite the fact that it is not very simple, following these recommendations, you can completely get rid of allergies and enjoy life fully.

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Maria 20/04/2015 at 10:24

I once advised me to sit on a special diet. And indeed, helped. It is clear that I did not completely solve the problem, but it became much easier!

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Catherine 20/04/2018 at 19:38

Yes, the diet will help with allergies, herself tried to exclude some products and became easier, the symptoms softened.

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Irina Vanyushina 04/24/2018 at 15:06.

Diet is always for the benefit of the body goes, the figure has a positive effect. By the way, during allergies, it's good to take an enterosgel, my sister has long advised me and I always buy it in the spring period. It allergens leads from the body and well-being is much easier and better.

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