How to get rid of a cold

How to get rid of a cold

With the arrival of the autumn-winter period, a huge number of people appeal to the pharmacy with a request to advise them something from a cold. Rubber, a throat, increased body temperature - all these unpleasant symptoms at least once in his life experienced each. This article will discuss how to raise your immunity and get rid of the cold as soon as possible.

As soon as you feel the ailment and identify the first signs of a cold - immediately run to the store behind Lemon. Your body needs vitamin C, and the lemon contains a huge amount of its amount. If you have an OKOM on your teeth from one thought that Lemon will have to eat in the raw form - add it to tea and drink no less than five cups of the fragrant drink per day.

Another product, which in the content of vitamin C is superior to any citrus-garlic. This vegetable culture is a panacea from many diseases, and colds including, thanks to their antiseptic properties. If you are not afraid of a specific smell and are ready to eat garlic slice daily - you will succeed not only to cure, but also to warn the occurrence of a cold.

During the cold, the patient necessarily requires abundant drinking. Try to drink the maximum amount of hot fluid per day. It may be tea with lemon, which has already been stated above, tea with raspberries or viburnum, herbal chamomile or lime tea, milk with honey, etc. The more fluid you drink, the faster go to the amendment.

If the cold is not accompanied by an increase in temperature - it is recommended to get the legs in hot water with the addition of mustard. After the procedure, go to bed and touch the blanket well.

Soluble powders, such as Teraflu, Vix Active, Pharmacertron, Ferwex, Coldrels and others help from the pharmacy tools from the cold. Carefully read the instructions before using the drug!

If you managed to catch a cold, look for your advantages. Arrange for a few days a full bed mode. Look at this time your favorite films, eat fruit and drink a lot of delicious tea. Let nothing be able to spoil your mood. Good health!

Comments leave a comment
Irina 10/18/2015 at 17:50

I treat from a cold simply. In three days I take a sick leave, observing bed rest, abundant drink, vitamins, citrus, honey, ginger, tea with raspberries and lemon. I wash the nose with akwallor, and I must use the infogel, this is an antiviral ointment that contains interferon, and helps the body fight viruses faster and more efficient.

To answer
Yura 13/09/2019 at 11:30

I recently cured with the help of Orvis Flu-nice drink, and I am pleased that his hypertensive can be .... And then such funds are really very little (ordered, by the way, on the, it's more convenient and cheaper). Additional, of course, tried more Resting and how much can drink clean water. Now I feel good again))

To answer
Olesia 10/26/2019 at 22:10

And I bought an antiviral drug by Tiloram on the advice of my friend, he works as a doctor in our clinic. He took the sick leave, did not herogery and go to work with the temperature, but normally fluttered, caught and faster, by the way recovered and went to work.

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faith 15/09/2021 at 13:06.

Thanks for useful recommendations. I can still give advice, of course, do not forget about useful bacteria. In particular, I like the most tank set of Cold Flu. Quality at the height and a wide variety of these most bacteria-17 species. The intestine microflora is better and vitamins are absorbed well. Here you and recovery. Everything is simple, but few people know about it.

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