How to get rid of snoring a woman

How to get rid of snoring a woman

Women are subject to a slower rather than men, but even minor systematic snatching can provoke health problems. First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon, and after choosing the optimal ways to deal with the ailment.

Folk methods to eliminate snoring women

Take advantage of the means:

  • Grind the cabbage sheet and add a bit of honey. To lubricate the pharyngeal area, take a tablespoon of the mixture before bedtime. Cashitz can be replaced with cabbage juice with adding honey. Hold the course for at least a month.
  • Cut the nose for the night of sea buckthorn oil. There are enough two drops into each nostril. Take the procedure for three weeks.
  • Cake carrots in the oven and eat a small amount per hour before meals before each eating.
  • Make a mixture of ground lemon bones and garlic, take on the night on the tablespoon.
  • Collect such herbs: black elderberry, dried sabelnik, field field and burdock. There are two tablespoons of each herb on the tablespoon of the buried. Use the coffee grinder to grind herbal collection. Two teaspoons obtained from the grass of powder pour the glass of boiling water and insist about an hour. Drink decoction on the throat five times a day.
  • We have a mouth with an infusion of calendula or oak bark.
  • Try to use purified drinking water.

How to get rid of snoring a woman with traditional medicine

Specialists have developed many drugs that eliminate the causes and symptoms of snoring. The most effective consider:

  • Stimulants of breathing, diuretics, antidepressants. Take only an appointment of a doctor.
  • Sipap therapy. Provides a regular influx of air into light in the optimal dose, it is carried out both in the clinic and at home under the supervision of specialists.
  • The usual children's dummy is also able to solve the problem with snoring.

Exercises from snoring a woman

Gymnastics is especially productive if desired a woman get rid of snoring. Make such exercises:

  • Tighten the tongue with the strength and hold the floor minutes. Repeat the action 30 times. This procedure will strengthen your soft sky.
  • Make an attempt to press the tongue to the throat zone 30 times. Also hold the language in this position for at least 30 seconds.
  • Relieve the jaw forward - back.
  • Sleep on my side, while limit the opportunity to lie on your back.

It turns out to get rid of a woman from snoring is not difficult. Follow the right advice and everything will turn out!

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