How to get rid of snoring

How to get rid of snoring

The snoring seems to be a superficial problem, but a person interferes with sleeping households. Sleep is an important component of life, when it is poor quality, the body is not restored. No matter how sad, but not rare cases of disintegration of the family because of this ailment. But this is not the worst thing. Snoring is an indicator of a defect of many systems in the body: disorders of the circulatory system, deformation of the nasal partition, changes in the forms of almonds, etc. Therefore, it is important to comprehensively approach the treatment of snoring.

Change your lifestyle. With overweight, sits on a diet, for example, apple or kefir. For three hours before going to bed, refuse meals, alcohol, smoking. In the bedroom, air humidity maintain at 50-70%. This will help you an ultrasonic air humidifier.

The position affects the position during sleep. Use an orthopedic pillow or ordinary, but the head must lie on a small hill. If the snoring comes with a dream lying on the back, then the trick is a small pocket with a diameter of 7 * 7 cm to its night set. Put the tennis ball in it. This will allow you to lie on the side while sleeping, because On the back will sleep uncomfortable.

Use the following folk methods:

  • In the blender grind the cabbage sheet. Added to the resulting mass. Add 1 tsp. Honey. Eat it before bed. Upgraded Option: Hall a cup of cabbage juice and add 1 tsp. Honey. Take a dream for a month.
  • Remove lemon bones. Skip 3 pcs. Through a meat grinder with peel. Also, the swings of 2 heads of garlic. Stir the mixture, take 2-3 weeks in the morning and in the evening of 1 tsp.
  • 4 hours before sleep, drip into each nostril 1 drop of sea buckthorn oil. Procedure spend 3 weeks.
  • Take the root of the sabelnik, the horsetail of the field, the berries of the black elderber of 1 tsp, reurenik 2 tbsp. And grind in a coffee grinder. Put in a glass of 1 tbsp. Mixtures and add hot boiling water. After an hour tincture is ready. Drink 5 times a day for 1 tbsp. Admission course 1 month.

Train Sky and Language Muscles:

  • Highly drop language by 2 sec. Exercise repeat 30 times.
  • Rate the lower jaw back and forth, right-left. Perform 30 times.
  • Hold your teeth with a small wooden wand for 3 minutes.
  • Put 2-3 minutes.

In severe cases, without the help of specialists can not do. When nasya is running, the doctor will write the preparations of vasoconductive action. If the reason lies in the thyroid disorders, its increase, then the endocrinologist will prescribe adequate hormonal therapy. In the early stages of the disease, the laser is effective. There are ways carrying temporary relief. So in front of the dream, special devices are inserted into the oral cavity or stick strips on the nose. In the launched cases resort to sipap-therapy. On the patient put on a special mask. In the nasal cavity flows air and pressure is created. The duration of treatment determines the doctor.

In the treatment of snoring, it is important to determine the source. By eliminating it, a quiet and peaceful dream is provided.

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