Bone on the leg - how to treat

Bone on the leg - how to treat

The discovering bone on the leg is a problem that cannot be left unattended. In addition to unpleasant symptoms: pain, gravity in the legs, women are very difficult to choose the right shoes. Over the years, the disease does not pass by itself, but only aggravated. Why appear on the legs of the bumps?

The stop is deformed not in one day, and in a few months and even years. The bone appears on the big finger gradually - it prevents walking and wearing your favorite shoes. Doctors call such a problem with the "Walgus Stop deformation". Most of the woman are most susceptible to this disease, because it is they who love to walk in graceful tunnels in high heels all day. The investigation of this stop is not able to withstand such a load and it is quite natural that over time it will be gradually flattened.

Bone on the leg - causes of appearance

The reasons for the appearance of the bumps are several:

  • wearing narrow shoes, shoes on a thin high stiletto, shoes, selected not in size;
  • heredity: if the grandmother or mom had such a problem, then it can also appear with you. Not now, but over time, especially if a woman loves to wear close and narrow shoes on a heel and wears her every day;
  • long walking;
  • overweight;
  • flatfoot and other chiffs tissue diseases.

Bone on the leg - how evolving

Doctors highlight 4 stages of the disease:

  • Offset within 20 degrees. The disease may not show itself, only aesthetically can notice the first changes.
  • The displacement angle gradually increases to 30 degrees. If you walk for a long time, there is a stupid pain in this place.
  • Offset up to 50 degrees, the bone begins to bother, it hurts, "whit" even without load. Footwear Pick up so as not to press the bone, it becomes problematic.
  • The displacement exceeds 50 degrees, the person complains about the incessant pain in the legs and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bone. Even if you do not disturb the bone, pick up comfortable shoes, she constantly makes itself felt.

How to treat a bone on the leg. Advice

All doctors argue that they are not solved by any commemorations, compresses, baths and ointments. This is just a temporary relief. If this is only the initial stage of the disease, then you can try to compete for your health. For example, choose a bandage that will fix the thumb, gradually changing the angle of inclination in the opposite direction. The only inconvenience is to go in such a bandage unrealistic, you can only wear it when a person is at rest: watching TV, knits or resting. Doctors recommend putting the bandage at night.

In the daytime it is necessary to choose gaskets or partitions that can be worn throughout the day. They reliably protect the bone from additional friction during walking, and also contribute to the correct arrangement of the thumb.

Regardless of the stage of the disease, you should always wear special orthopedic insoles (selected individually, taking into account the problem) that will help to remove the load. The insoles are not thick, suitable for any shoes, even for elegant shoes.

And the last method of getting rid of the bone on the leg is physiotherapeutic procedures, including massage, hardware stretching and, of course, therapeutic physical education. All of the above methods will help stop the deformation of the foot and prevent the development of the disease.

How to treat a bone on the leg. Radical method

The most successful method of treatment of bone on the leg is surgical intervention. To date, medicine offers as many as 30 methods of surgical correction! Each - designed to meet the characteristics of the disease. The methods are unique in that the operation is carried out by the so-called "closed way", without a large cut. In the foot there are several punctures, the bone is fixed with screws.

Naturally, in the course of such treatment, only a bump is eliminated, but the problem is not solved, so so that the bone is no longer increasing, you should always wear special shoes, as well as orthopedic insoles.

Talk to the prevention of bones on the leg

In order not to provoke the development of the disease, it is necessary:

  • wear the right shoes: Round Cape, Wide Disorder, Soft Material, Heel Height within 4 cm;
  • if you need to put on the hairpins, then only with an orthopedic insole and wearing such shoes can be not more than 2 hours a day;
  • if you like to run a lot and jump, then you need to choose special sports shoes;
  • in summer, walk a lot of barefoot on pebbles or sand to strengthen the arch of the foot.

Comments leave a comment
Vika 21/11/2021 at 16:38

In principle, if it does not bring pain, then I do not see anything terrible. However, if this is still available, of course, you need to drink anti-inflammatory anti -ols. For example, I can advise the rheumaflex. He and the composition is completely natural, and safe for the stomach. It helps me perfectly, but the truth of course I combine it with orthopedic insams.


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