Turns joints how to treat

Turns joints how to treat

The reasons for the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the joints can be a great set. But the same binds them - the earlier the patient appeals to the doctor for diagnostics and help, the more successful treatment.

Possible causes of diseases of the joints

Pain, as a rule, indicates a violation of the normal functioning of the body or the imminent occurrence. The joints may be sick due to inflammation or wear - so-called dystrophic processes. In addition, the "root" of the disease can be hidden in the distant past, injured, stretching, deformations. Interestingly, practical any diagnosis due to the wear of the joint is the end of "-Ze", for example, "arthrosis" or "osteochondrosis". The second common cause of joint diseases is inflammation, it occurs most often as a complication of another acute or chronic disease. Such diagnoses end on "-t" (arthritis, polyarthritis) and can manifest themselves with flu, cholecystitis, etc. In general, there are more than 100 varieties of joint diseases, so it is better not to deal with self-medication.

How to treat joints

As follows from the foregoing, the doctor determines the essence of the problem and discharges a complex of drugs - anti-inflammatory or concrete groups, which are supported by physiotherapy, the general health recovery. If the pain in the joints provoked another disease, its cure is able to automatically remove unpleasant symptoms. To facilitate the latter, people of traditional medicine are often used with various success. The sick joint is categorically not recommended to overload, it should be done special descripts, compresses, rubbing and massages.

Folk remedies for diseases of the joints

Fitting therapy for centuries collected useful recipes from all his twirs and troubles into its piggy bank. Here are some of them who are able to strengthen the body and relieve unpleasant sensations:

  • Broth needles: brew 2-3 tablespoons of needles in 3 liters of water for 5 minutes and drink instead of tea to 3 times a day to eliminate lap your knees.
  • Compress from Prostokvashi: Mix the Cup of the Skis Milk with a finely unwrapped shell of 5 eggs and make compresses before bedtime, for an hour, within 5 days.
  • Brigine Lavra: 50 g. Lavrovy leaves brew 5 minutes in 2 cups of water, drink 2 tablespoons per day for 2 days, after we make a weekly break.


What can not be done if the joints turns:

  • avoid sharp movements, active sports, lifting weights, long standing in public transport;
  • do not use fat, pierced and excessively smoked, sharp spices and alcohol;
  • do not gain excess weight (loads joints);
  • avoid unrest, hand with stress, get positive emotions;
  • do not use too soft furniture and bed, preference - rigid chairs, orthopedic mattresses;
  • confident "No" Pose "Leg on the leg", which worsens blood circulation.

In conclusion, it should be said that with the diseases of the joints, it is important and necessary. First, take care of your health from the very beginning: in time you pass medical examinations, keep a reasonable diet, engage in dosage exercise that will support the body in tone. In the daily diet of a healthy person, fruits and vegetables must be present, as well as "donors" unsaturated fatty acids - nuts, grain, fish (especially fish oil). Do not forget to drink enough water, preferably at least 6 glasses per day, and do not abuse with plenty of salt in food.

Comments leave a comment
Maria 01/08/2018 at 13:49

big began to disturb the joints. I understand that no longer young, but not quite and old. What treatment is the most effective?

To answer
Valentina Pitomina 01/08/2018 at 19:45

Maria, as for me, so the most effective is injections. Punctures course of injections of alflutop, it became much easier for me, the joints stopped to disturb so much as before. And by the way, many people say and write that injections are the most effective treatment.

To answer
Konnon B. 09/16/2018 at 20:44.

Pricks are certainly good. And they help. But after them, my stomach hurts and candidiasis is exacerbated. It is also necessary to treat it. Now the doctor advised the joints to drink sustalaife. Says, there should be no side effects. Let's see)

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Masha 07/12/2019 at 8:26

With age, it began to notice that such conditions are increasingly and more often appear ... The doctor advised to maintain the health of the joints Honda Fort Evalar to take (she has price, by the way, the best), well, and collagen too. Gradually began to light ... all the same, no wonder they say that most problems are due to lack of nutrients.

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Marina 15/05/2020 at 10:35

And my doctor recommended the arthrophish, its components help reduce pain and inflammation. And I still have time to do with injections. Now I feel much better)

To answer
Hope 24/12/2020 at 9:59.

I am afraid of injections as a fire, the benefit of the doctor does not insist. So far, we care anesthetia, gymnastics I do every day and nutrition is correct. The analgesic of my rheumatologist advised Etoroelaks, a very effective drug turned out to be in fact, helps quickly and for a long time.

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Hope 24/12/2020 at 10:04.

I am afraid of injections as a fire, the benefit of the doctor does not insist. So far, we care anesthetia, gymnastics I do every day and nutrition is correct. The analgesic of my rheumatologist advised Etoroelaks, a very effective drug turned out to be in fact, helps quickly and for a long time.

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max 12/10/2021 at 16:16.

also at some point to twist the joints began, well, I used the compresses on the advice of my wife my wife, literally in two weeks all the symptoms were held

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