How to define flatfoot

How to define flatfoot

Many of us do not notice, as the end of the day "buzz" legs, hurt and swell. It all can be written off to an active life rhythm, a difficult day, wearing uncomfortable shoes. But sometimes such symptoms can be the first ringtone of the insidious disease - flatfoot.

Causes of the appearance of flatopy

What is this disease? If you stand on your feet for a long time (the profession of surgeon, teacher, etc.), you can "earn" flatfoot. The disease can not disturb the person for a long time. Only if you carefully examine the feet, it can be concluded that they have changed: the external and internal arches of the foot have become thicker.

Why the planefield develops. Main reasons:

  • overweight and obesity;
  • long walking or staying without movement in one place (the profession of surgeon, seller, hairdresser, teacher);
  • with diseases such as rickets, poliomyelitis, as well as osteoporosis;
  • excessive passion for weightlifting, athletics (running and jumping);
  • wearing uncomfortable, narrow shoes, as well as the constant wearing of high-heeled shoes.

How to reveal flatfoot. Basic symptoms

There are several ways with which you can diagnose flatfoot.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of this disease:

  • fast fatiguability. If you have been moving a lot of time or vice versa, you had a long time and still stand in one place, the legs began to get tired very quickly, pour and disturb;
  • in the evening, even if the work is not related to long-term walking or standing in one place, the legs swell, the feeling of gravity, the legs "laptop" appears;
  • sometimes the pain is so strong that they hurt not only the feet, but the pain rises above, literally to the knees. Sometimes such pain "comes" along with a strong headache and pain in the lower back and the spine;
  • you have noticed that the leg as if rose: shoes that wearing a few months ago, became cramped and uncomfortable. I had to buy a new pair of shoes on the size more;
  • notice that heels on your new shoes were filmed from the inside.

How to define flatfoot

And again, on sensations and observations, you can identify signs of flatfoot, namely:

  • if the stop expanded;
  • the big finger "looks" to the opposite side of the face;
  • on the thumb appeared a bump;
  • change shape 2 and 3 fingers.

All these changes may indicate transverse flatfoot.

But how simple and easy to identify this disease, let's spend a simple test. It will take any fat cream or paint, as well as a sheet of white paper.

How to define flatfoot:

  • Stop legs need to be carefully smeared with cream.
  • Put a sheet of paper on the floor.
  • Stand on a leaf leg generously smeared with cream.
  • To stand a couple of seconds, carefully remove the leg. It is impossible to rely on anything with your hands. Standing right on a solid and flat surface.
  • Rate the result of the effort: the stop must be imprinted, but not completely. If there is a small removal from the inside of the foot, and the "drawing" looks more like a bridge for a stream, then you can not worry about anything.
  • If the fossa is not deep, barely noticeable or it is not at all - then it's time to go for a consultation to the doctor. To certainly find out, you have a flatfoot, or not.

According to the same principle, the method with paints is also working, you need to paint a stall of bright paint and become on a sheet of white paper. The test can be spent in the bathroom when after the shower you become on the dry mat with wet legs. You can still notice the changes of the stop can be on the beach, it is enough to walk in the sand with wet legs. These tests are not suitable for small children, because the stop they have not yet formed. Finally, the stop will be formed by 5 years.

Definitions submometric index

The method is more comprehensive, but the result can be more reliable than the previous method of determining flatfoot.

How to define an index:

  • It is necessary to measure the foot length of the foot and designate this digit to the letter "A". Measure the foot is needed in the standing position on the solid surface from the heel to the tip of the thumb.
  • Next indicator: Measuring the height of the foot. You need to put a centimeter so as to mark the distance from the floor to the top point of the foot. Denote the resulting digit to the letter "B".
  • To calculate the index, you need to use the formula: in * 100 / a. Norm from 29 to 31, if the index decreases slightly (the result is from 27 to 29), then this may show the initial stage of the disease. And if the number 25 and below is flatfoot and it's time to visit the specialist.

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