How to define diastasis

How to define diastasis

In this article, today we will consider such a postpartum problem as diastasis. In practice, all women came across her, but this name is not familiar to anyone. Does the imagination have an image of a serious illness? Do not worry - this is not So, but diastasis is able to provoke them. Now you will find out what the diastasis is, as well as how to determine it correctly.

The causes of diastasis

  • The most common cause is pregnancy. Most often, it occurs after the procedure of the cesarean section. Yes, in many women, muscles are restored themselves, going back to the center of the abdomen. But there are times when a woman after childbirth notices a bulge. It cannot be eliminated with diets and exercises on the press. Please note that with diastasis, such exercises are strictly prohibited!
  • Obesity. With fast set Or a decrease in body weight, muscle tone decreases. This causes diastasis.
  • Large physical activity is the main reason for the formation of diastasis in men.
  • Hereditary predisposition or weak abdominal muscles from birth. The diastasis of the abdominal muscles can be accompanied by hemorrhoids or varicose veins. Since pregnant women can suffer from varicose veins, they are recommended to wear special compression golfs.

What is the dangerous diastasis

In most cases, diastasis is just an aesthetic problem: the mother does not manage to get rid of a convex tummy using sports and diets. There are times when diastasis becomes not only discomfort, but also a health problem. The girl can be disturbed by severe pain in the abdomen or lower back, which intensify after physical exertion or weight lifting. The most dangerous diastasis of 3 degrees is considered. It weakens the muscles of the press, provokes the formation of hernias or prolapse of internal organs.

Determination of the presence of diastasis

Perform the test below. It will determine the presence of the abdominal muscles in you. To identify diastasis, do the following:

  • lie on your back, bend your legs in the knees, put the feet on the floor;
  • put 1 hand behind your head, and 2 on the stomach. Spend your fingers along the entire middle line of the abdomen at the navel level, parallel to the waist;
  • try to relax the abdominal wall. Lightly press the abdominal cavity with your fingertips;
  • tear off/twist the upper body slightly using kranch. Control that your chest is approaching the pelvis. When the muscles begin to move, fix how many fingers are placed between them, and also how deeply they enter;
  • fix how many fingers can fit between tense muscles abdomen Below and above the navel.

Using such a home test, you can determine the exact size of the “hole” in the abdomen. A hole is a area that is not covered with muscles. If such an abyss are you think You can’t, then everything is fine - there is no diastase. In another case, this is possible he. The deeper/more “hole”, the stronger the diastasis.

Diastasis leads to such disorders in the body:

  • tendons become thinner;
  • the abdominal press weakens;
  • the abdominal muscles atrophy;
  • the abdominal walls cease to contract.

Determination of the type of diastasis

Have you completed a test and suspect you have diastasis? Let's now decide on its degree. The following classification should help you with this.

  • I-type - A small expansion of the white line in the navel. This is the most harmless form, not reflected in the size of the abdomen. It is formed after the 1st pregnancy.
  • II-type II - Relaxation of the lateral muscles and their discrepancy in the lower sections. Outwardly, the stomach begins to shine slightly from below.
  • III-type - The abdominal muscles diverge at all seams of the upper and lower sections. Not attractive appearance of the abdomen is accompanied by the presence of umbilical hernia.

If you have not yet met with the problem of diastasis, then try to warn it. Try to follow your health and constantly do exercises for the press. By properly prepared, you can easily transfer pregnancy and just as simply eliminate its consequences.

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