How to get rid of sweat

How to get rid of sweat

Often many disturb the problem of constant sweating of legs. Few people know that foot sweating is a disease that can be treated and even needed, because after sweating, there is a bad smell. The reasons for the occurrence of this disease is a huge amount. If some think it is impossible to defeat foot sweating, that is, people who know that it is possible to solve the problem quite easily, and they are right.

How to get rid of sweating legs - folk methods

  • Starch-salt powder. Mix B. deep Misk 1 tbsp. Salts and 1 tbsp. Starch, mix ingredients thoroughly. The cooked powder must be powdered 1-2 times a day.
  • Starch talc. Mix 8 tbsp. Starch from 1 tbsp. Talca, then mix well. Poods are preferably every day 2-3 times a day.
  • Plipping of boric acid. Boric acid in powder form must be applied to the problem of the legs of the legs every day before bedtime. Within 7 days, the result will give yourself to know.
  • Romashkaya bath. Brew 9 tbsp. Chamomile in 2.5 liters of hot water, after which let the brave break for an hour. Put the chamomile decoction to the basin and lower the legs there. It follows the procedure to completely cool the ragger. Make chamomile baths for 7 days and you can achieve a positive result.
  • Acetic bath. This method of getting rid of sweating of the legs is exclusively to those people who do not have wounds on the legs and cuts. In a basin with warm water, add 3 tsp. vinegar, mix thoroughly, then lower your feet for 25 minutes.
  • Tea bath. Brew black tea, as strong as possible, use better 4 tea bags per 1 liter of hot water. Pour tea to the basin and lower your feet for 15-20 minutes. The procedure can be done every day at any convenient time for you.
  • Stretch tincture. Prepare a tincture consisting of 2 tbsp. Dry nettle and 2 tbsp. Sage. Drink prepared tincture Within one week 1 time per day.

How to get rid of sweating legs - furacilin

  • Pills. Grind 2 pills of furaciline, then fill them with 2 liters of warm water. Pour the cooked solution into the basin and lower the legs there for 15 minutes. The procedure must be carried out daily by 2-3 times a day, each procedure needs to prepare a solution.
  • Solution. Mix 2 tbsp. Furatcino with 2 liters of warm water. Lower legs into the cooked furacilinova Bath for 20 minutes, after which it will wait for the legs to dry yourself.
  • Spray can. With the help of furaticiline in this form you can handle legs before each exit to the street.
  • Ointment. This means it is better to use before bedtime. Before use, slip your legs, then light, massaging movements rub the ointment in the skin of the stop. Dress warm socks and go to bed. By morning, the stops must be rinsed with cold water.

Elimination of sweating legs using medical drugs

  • Formagel. The medicine has no color. It is necessary to apply it on dry, pre-washed feet. After half an hour, rinse the legs with cold water. In case the sweating has not disappeared the first time, it is recommended to repeat the procedure.
  • Teymurova cream-pasta. When applied to the skin stop, does not dry skin cover, it is also missing exfoliating the effect. Apply should be applied to the dry skin of the legs for 30-40 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed out the composition from the legs. Use the drug is recommended daily within 7 days before receiving the desired result.
  • Formidron. The strongest remedy for sweating legs is very popular. In spite of It has its own side effects, so the frequent use of the drug is not recommended. Apply the medicine on your cotton swab and treat the skin of the foot. When exposed Formudron Can be felt easy to burn or tingling. The procedure must be carried out no more than 1 time per day.
  • Borozin. Medical agent is produced in the form of powder. Before going out to the street, process the foot of the foot and a small amount of powder add to shoes. The result can be noticed almost instantly.

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Shura 05/13/2019 at 11:57

With high sweating of the legs, I met when the fungus appeared, so it's worth not to ignore and immediately begin to treat, I treated with a bath with iodine and mizoz gel (I ordered a phytomarket in the online store, so more convenient and cheaper), so I managed to get rid of fungus and sweating is no longer no)

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