Nerole Oil: Properties and Application

Nerole Oil: Properties and Application

Nero oil is a very specific natural remedy obtained by the method of steam processing of the inflorescences of an orange tree. The plant is rare, since it is common only in America and in the south of Europe. It has a bitter taste and yellow-brown, extensively used by specialists in medicine and cosmetology. We learn more about the possibilities of its application and consider the basic properties.

Useful properties of neuro oil

Orange wood oil demonstrates a lot of healing properties:

  • Helps to overcome viral infections, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Stimulates the strengthening of immunity.
  • Normalizes the cardiovascular system, enhances blood circulation.
  • Eliminates swelling and performs a diuretic function.
  • Kills bacteria and various harmful microorganisms.
  • Beneficially affects the digestion and the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Performs the prevention of convulsive pain and has antispasmodic effect.
  • Normalizes the nervous system, eliminates the manifestations of sclerosis at the initial stage.
  • Optimizes the process of secretion of the body.
  • It is an antioxidant regenerating the cellular structure.
  • Rejuvenates and moisturizes dry and dery skin, struggling with cellulite and strolies.
  • Restores hair bulbs.
  • Eliminates irritation, allergies, dermatitis.
  • It has an antiseptic effect.
  • It is considered one of the most effective aphrodisiacs for the desired development of the sexual system.


Due to the aggregate of unique properties and specific aroma, the essential oil of neroli is used in aromatherapy to activate life processes. The systematic implementation of these procedures restores the lost health and significantly improves human well-being. It is important to know that to achieve the effect you do not need to use oil in pure form, take inside and apply to the skin. The most effective is to inhalation of evaporating components of the substance. It is the absorption of the drug through the respiratory tract that gives the best result. However, consider all the options for using it.

Nerole oil for inhalations

To commit the respiratory procedures, take no more than three drops. Capped with a paper napkin and raise from ten to fifteen minutes. You can dilute the oil in a small amount of water and ride over the solution. Take the procedure three times a day. The main advantage of inhalation is the rate of receipt of beneficial components in the necessary brain departments. With the help of signals and pulses, it instantly spreads the effect of a substance to all organs. It is also effectively using inhalations for diseases of the nasopharynk system and oral cavity, since the tool neutralizes viruses and relieves inflammation.

Bath adoption

This method is most effective in dermatitis, allergies and other skin diseases. The oil quickly penetrates the lymphatic system, which speeds up metabolic processes. The water temperature has no fundamental importance. However, it should be remembered that the oil must be confused with dairy products or honey. In its pure form it does not apply. For water procedures, use no more than seven drops on the full water bath. The duration of staying in water ranges from five minutes before half an hour. Start from a minimum, gradually increasing time. If you have the opportunity to visit the sauna or bath, then make a five percent nerpite solution and water them oven or heated stone.


The compressive method is convenient for eliminating pain on specific parts of the body. Nero oil fluid is absorbed into the skin, enters lymph, where locally affects the necessary organ. In this case, an anesthetic effect occurs. Add five or seven drops of oil in a half package of water, stir it up. Get labeled in the solution of gauze and, slightly pushing, attach to the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe body. Keep the lining about half an hour, gradually bringing time to two hours with the following procedures.

Rubbing butter neron

When problems with the nervous system and muscle weakness, rubbing, turning into massage, enhances blood circulation and contributes to the emergency response. Mix 10 milliliters of sunflower oil with 7 drops of neuro oil and thoroughly massage the sore place.

Use in cosmetology

To strengthen the effect of a cosmetic product, add a pair of frozen frost oil. It is recommended to combine the drug with masks, tonic, creams. To power the skin, mix the nerves with vegetable oil, and for the wellness of the hair, connect three drops of the essential means with shampoo. Then, in the standard order, do washing the chapels. Also, neroli oil can be applied on the scallop and clean it.

So we got acquainted with all the peculiarities of such an unusual natural product like nerol oil. A wide range of medicinal capabilities of the drug gives the right to apply it to fight with almost any ailment and use at home cosmetic procedures.

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