Hair sea buckthorn

Hair sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn oil is one of the most common means to maintain the health of the whole organism. It is used both in medicine and in cosmetology, there is no excess in the kitchen and is actively used in food enterprises. Having this drug in arsenal, you can not worry about poor hair, because sea buckthorn is an excellent reducing agent of brittle and lifeless hair, even in the most running form. Its useful properties are multifaceted, but the application requires to explore certain rules for using the oil of this berry.

Basic properties

Sea buckthorn berries are saturated with a huge number of vitamins and elements that restore and disinfect all problematic places on the hair and scalp. It should be noted that the concentration of the most important substances in fresh berries is significantly less than that of sea buckthorn oil. Therefore, it is precisely it is added to drugs and hair masks. You can select several main properties.

  • The presence of vitamin A increases the growth rate of hair.
  • A blend mixture performs a protective function, keeping the hair structure in full-fledged state. This is due to the vitamin E.
  • The flint component is very important for the skin of the head, as it prevents the appearance of dandruff and does not protect the skin from peeling.
  • Oxygen hair saturation is performed due to the presence of vitamin C.
  • The substance contains many ingredients responsible for recovery, regeneration and giving strength to hair.

Recommendations for application

If the decision to use the sea buckthorn oil is already accepted, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the necessary recommendations and advice on the use of this fund:

  1. Before applying on the hair, sea buckthorn oil should be slightly warm.
  2. The mask should always be freshly prepared, it is not allowed to store it, it can spoil.
  3. Apply the mixture is not prohibited both on the hair moistened with water and on a completely dry.
  4. A long mask will not lead to strengthening effect, so it is permissible for no more than an hour.
  5. The hair is customary to rinse the chamomile decoction, calendula or lemon carriage.
  6. Allergies need to pay special attention to a small dough on the skin surface to check how the body responds to the drug.
  7. If there is an unpleasant feeling of tingling or burning, you should not slow with the mask.
  8. Bold hair requires the use of this substance only in a very diluted form, since sea buckthorn oil intensively moisturizes the hair surface.
  9. With a very dry and breaking hair, the mask should be applied to the course of ten procedures at intervals in two days.
  10. All individual questions can be asked to cosmetologists.

How to make oil at home

Of course, the purchase of finished sea buckthorn oil in a store or pharmacy is the easiest way, but it is not difficult to make it with your own hands. Tell me as:

  1. Squeeze the berry juice and remove it into the dark place.
  2. Let's stand for several hours.
  3. The oil accumulates in the form of a film from above, and we need to remove it with a spoon.
  4. Separate it, overflow in a comfortable bottle with a dense lid.
  5. Store in the refrigerator for several years.
  6. To create masks, we use a few drops of the substance.

Oil Masks

We describe the most popular masks with sea buckthorn oil.

For all hair types

The classic mask composition suitable for any type of hair, includes a mixture of sea buckthorn oil with an eucalyptus oil and oil. We distribute the warm mass over the entire length of the hair and slightly rub in the roots. Hold the standard about an hour and wrinkle your hair in a scree from nettle. This composition will notice the hair noticeably, and they become silk and shiny.

For dry hair

Take sea buckthorn and reurenish oil. We mix them and add a few drops of castor oil. Add a pre-cramped chicken egg and a couple of cream spoons to the mixture. It is advisable to apply the composition on clean hair. Hold no more than half an hour and wash off the chamomile infusion or shampoo. This mask will remarkably remove dryness and moisturize the damaged structure of the strand.

For oily hair

For oily hair, we select components such as clay (or mustard), chicken egg and honey. We connect them and make a fifteen-minute mask, after which we wash it with water and wrinkle your hair in herbal brave.

Other types of masks

If we want to get rid of dandruff, we mix sea buckthorn oil with olive and my hair after the expiration of forty minutes. To maintain the effect, the procedure is performed at least two times a week. If the hair is very much falls out, then it will save the composition of sea buckthorn, castor oil, raw yolk and special fluid with vitamins A and E. In order for the hair to become magnificent and volumetric, it is necessary to cook the blade from nettle, add a little vinegar and sea buckthorn oil. Raucher rinse hair every other day.

All features and methods for using sea buckthorn oil are now studied by us. And our hair can no longer be afraid of various adverse conditions, as they have simple and affordable means to save.

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