SHALFEY OIL: Properties

SHALFEY OIL: Properties

Widely used sage in ancient times. We discovered its healing properties of the Romans and the Egyptians. They were treated with this plant infertility in women, and considered a sacred herb. At this time, the beneficial characteristics chalvia have not forgotten. Quite the contrary - use modern methods of dealing with ailments using essential oil of sage. That's about it below and we'll talk.

Characteristics of oil of sage

Externally, the oil is clear and almost no color. The aroma of the mixture can not be confused with anything. It senses: smell of greens nuts bitter notes, balsamic odor cooling, appetizing spirit roasted sunflower with dust pahuchestyu blind after rain. Composition of sage oil is not fully understood until now. There are only some of the components that are contained in medicinal plants, of which there are about twenty. Namely: D-a-pinene, Salvini, D-camphor, cineol, thujone, peel flavonoids, terpenoids, alkaloids, etc. According to doctors, one of the strongest substances in the oil of sage is Salvini (natural antibiotic). Thanks to him, you can get rid of harmful microorganisms. Especially noticeable effect component in the treatment of gums, throat. Scientists practically proved that five minutes after rinsing oral bacteria are killed streptococcus, staphylococcus.

Contraindications using sage oil

Essential oil obtained in the distillation process. Depending on the kind of plant oil is of two main types - medical and nutmeg. In general, their actions on the body are similar, the difference - only in the fact that the treatment is toxic sage, nutmeg and virtually harmless. However, it is not necessary to use the second option with strong drinks before going to bed and drivers.

Therapeutic essential oil has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • kidney disease;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypertension;
  • allergy.

In addition to the above, it is still necessary to add that the overdose of this product may cause a negative impact on your body.

Application of sage oil

This preparation is sage Use both for cosmetics and in therapeutic purposes. It has a toning, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, wounding, antiseptic effect. In addition, aromamaslo applies at:

  • diseases of the throat and dental pathologies (gum diseases, oral cavity);
  • walled ailments upper respiratory tract;
  • rheumatic pains, migraines;
  • emotional, muscle tension, nervous disorders, stressful states;
  • abundant, painful monthly;
  • childlessness in women, violations of the functions of the uterus;
  • diseases of the liver, bile;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hair loss;
  • different problems with skin.

How to use sage oil

Applying sage oil can only be used in diluted form and certain proportions:

  1. For cold inhalations, you should inhale it no more than four minutes directly from the tank.
  2. If you have a migraine, then in olive oil (1 small spoon) Add one sage oil drop and rub it into the scalp.
  3. With angina, periodontal disease prepare a solution of 200 grams of warm water and 2-3 drops of oil. Stripping the inflamed sections of two or three minutes.
  4. To take aromasher, drip into the water two droplets of oil - it will help to remove fatigue, tension, get rid of stress, experiences.
  5. For the prevention of colds, make the aromatization of the room. It is enough to drop three drops for every fifteen squares of the room.
  6. With gastric spasms, make a massage with the use of a healing mixture. Recipe composition: 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, three drops of nutmeg oil.
  7. Take advantage of the aroma, if someone picked up the flu. To do this, add two drops on it at the rate of 6-8 m² of premises.
  8. To carry out cosmetic skin care treatments, nails, hair, make a mixture from the base oil and aromamasla, at the rate of four drops on the tablespoon.

Know that the shelf life of the drug is five years. Be sure to follow storage conditions. It is recommended to put it in a cool, dark place. After expiration, do not use the essential aromamaslo.

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