How to collect Ivan tea

How to collect Ivan tea

Ivan tea is collected during his flowering. This usually happens in from mid-June and until mid-July. But in different districts, the deadlines can slightly shift - depends on the geographical position. Flowers and leaves of the plant are used to brew useful tea. For the drink to bring as much health benefits as possible, Ivan tea needs to be properly harvested.

Where to collect Ivan tea

Like any plants used in traditional medicine, Ivan Tea is going away from any roads, railway webs or downtown. Forest edges, filler meadows or glades in Bor are suitable for its collection.

Kvass Bolotova (1)

What time of day to collect Ivan Tea

All plants that are then dried and further use are broken by early sunny in the morning. Ivan Tea is no exception, but it is necessary to pay attention to the declarations and leaves, dew. You should not collect Ivan Tea the next day, after heavy rain - it is better to wait for a stable multi-day sunny weather.

How to collect Ivan Tea - sorting flowers and leaves

In no case, when collecting Ivan tea, it is impossible to fold both flowers and leaves in one basket. Since the drying time they have different, then the mixed raw materials can turn out to be low-quality: the flowers are dried, and the leaves - on the contrary, do not bother. To in the field or forest, do not engage in the sorting of raw materials, the plant can be cut off completely and pick up high bushes home. At the same time, that in the future Ivan tea recovered, it is necessary to leave a filling of 10-15 cm with a height of 10-15 cm.

Collecting Flowers Ivan Tea

It is best to pluck the flowers from the very tops of the stems - there they are the most tender and flavorful. If the tea willow tea harvested little, you can break off and flowers, which are much lower. Just need to make sure that the flowers do not fall into the pods, which are at the bottom. The pods become flowers that have faded. Inside the pod is lightweight fluff, which may ruin the whole harvested product.

Collect leaves of willow tea

Leaves from bushes going just the ones that are closer to the spike. Lower spaced, i.e. closer to the ground, usually very rough and dusty. The leaves are broken or one, or the total mass. To this end, the stem is clamped in his left hand from the peduncle, and with his right hand torn off all the leaves in a downward direction. If the stem already formed pods before they are removed by peeling leaves or even cut off the top of the plant. This is done in order to not inadvertently catch formed pods, and not to spoil the leaves down.

Collected the flowers and leaves are subjected to a conventional drying in the shade. The drying process with pre-fermentation is described in the article "How to prepare willow tea at home".

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