How to cook Ivan tea

How to cook Ivan tea

An excellent alternative to foreign teas can be the domestic product - Ivan-tea. For its benefit, he surpasses many types of drinks, pleasant to the taste and is even considered a drug. How to cook it, we will tell you in this article.

What is Ivan tea and what it is useful

The drink described by us is prepared from a plant, which is called Ivan-tea or Capire. The difference between Ivan tea lies in the fact that it does not absorb toxins, pesticides and other harmful substances from the ground, because any parts of the plant can be used by a person in food. For cooking, flowers and crop leaves are used.

Ivan-tea or Kopor's tea has long been popular not only in Russia, but even abroad - in the 14th and 15th centuries, this product was exported to countries in Europe and the UK.

If we talk about the beneficial properties of the product, then it is worth name as:

  • The Ivan-tea plant is extremely rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other components, the total number of which is almost a third of the entire Menndeleev table. Copory tea is considered an unusually strong antiseptic, to find analogs of which is almost impossible.
  • The drink perfectly soothes the nerves, helps with insomnia and headaches, relieves nervous tension.
  • For the gastrointestinal tract, such tea is also very useful, it is a preventive and therapeutic agent in the fight against ulcers, gastritis, colic, nonsense.
  • Tea perfectly displays toxins and helps with obesity. It is also considered a good trimming agent.
  • Thanks to the lining and antimicrobial action, Cophorish tea is recommended to drink when cold.
  • The plant is effectively in the fight against male diseases: prostatitis, impotence, adenoma. People at the age of such a drink will also be by the way, since it helps to normalize the pressure, acts as a toning and rejuvenating way.

Unlike black, green tea and coffee, there is absolutely no caffeine in Ivan-tea. Contraindications to its use practically does not exist, except for individual intolerance, as in the case of any other plant. You can drink copory tea with pregnant and nursing breasts.

How to harvest Ivan tea

The process of eyebuction includes several stages:

  • The first stage - the collection of plants. It needs to be done in about the beginning of July, when the culture begins to bloom. Collect leaves and buds until noon, but after drying dew.
  • The second stage is taking. The raw materials are washed, slightly succulent from the water, and then the leaves are folded so that they do not break and so that the juice did not squeeze. After that, the plant is scrolled through the meat grinder, fold into the enameled container and covered with gauze.
  • Third stage - tea fermentation. At a temperature of 20-25 ° C, raw materials withstand from 6 to 48 hours. Note that if Ivan-Tea was assembled after the rain, it will take more time to fermentation. If all week before the collection was hot and sunny, then for the process is enough 6-7 hours. When you feel that the raw material has acquired a fruit smell - fermentation is over.
  • The fourth stage of the workpiece is drying. It is needed to get rid of all bacteria in tea. The plant is dried on paper, decomposing it with a thin layer. Do it in the fresh air, but not only under the right sunlight. Draco leaves somewhere for 15 hours. You can speed up the process and dry the Ivan-tea in the oven, at a temperature of 100 ° C it will take 1 hour.

Storage and brewing of Ivan tea

Ivan-tea is saved in packages from paper or in linen bags, so that he can "breathe" and not tremble. If the temperature and humidity of the ambient air are optimal, tea does not lose properties for 2 years. A pleasant feature is that the longer the welding is lying, the more fragrant it becomes.

To brew delicious Ivan tea, you need to know a few secrets:

  • Water should be heated to 80 ° C, and tea must be insteaded by about 15 minutes.
  • Add tasged berries, raspberry leaves, currant, strawberries, dried rosehip fruits will help.
  • Brewing Ivan tea can be several times. It is delicious both hot and cool.
  • Someone loves to drink tea with sugar, but Ivan-tea is tastier in its pure form. Sweet lovers can add honey instead of sugar.
  • You can drink copory tea in unlimited quantities, it does not bear any harm.
  • For treatment of gastrointestinal diseases beverage brewed more concentrated - 1 tablespoon Welding is added 250 ml of boiling water. Such broth takes 4 times a day for 1 tablespoon

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