What if the dog has diarrhea?

What if the dog has diarrhea?

Mother hosts should understand that health problems can occur not only in humans, but also in animals. In often cases are disorders of the digestive system in dogs. Let's deal today why this happens and what to do if your pet has diarrhea.

Causes of the problem

The norm in dogs is daily gorgement in the number of two, maximum, four times (feces, at the same time it must be dense). If the dog goes into the toilet too often, and the chair at the same time is liquefied - this is no longer the norm, this is a problem that needs to be solved.

Some owners in their negligence or inattention do not pay attention to such a dog behavior, which can lead to sad consequences and cause damage to your pet's health.

The first thing that the owner of the dog should remember is not necessary to panic, all the problems of this kind are solved. The main thing to establish the cause, after which it already starts the choice of its decision.

Causes may be as follows:

  • If the dog ate something is not that - non-freight products, poison, some chemicals, etc. Sometimes dogs are not suitable for vitamins, for the sake of their good the hosts, so it is worth paying attention to this factor.
  • Diarrhea often begins in dogs when changing the diet. The hosts should understand that this process, especially if you do it sharply, brings a lot of discomfort and pet problems.
  • The presence of any infection in the body of an animal is often manifested in the form of diarrhea, so if diarrhea does not stop at the pet for two days. It is worth contacting the vet and pass all the necessary analyzes so as not to miss the moment when the dog can still be saved (diseases can be very serious).
  • If there are parasites in the body of a dog, it is often accompanied by liquid hipgens, so this factor should not be thrown out of the type.
  • Another reason is the possible indentation of the stomach. In this case, the operation of the tract is violated, which leads to diarrhea.
  • With a shortage of vitamins in the body of your pet, some changes may arise, which will provoke the appearance of diarrhea.
  • The presence of allergies or cancer in the organism of the dog.
  • Sometimes a dog begins to be starting after her holistic intestinal shell originated. This can occur in the event of consumption of sharp bones and similar products, as well as acute items.

If you do not take action and let the process on samonek, the dog is deteriorating dehydration, and sometimes it leads to a fatal outcome. If you are dear to your pet, take care to save it from this trouble.

Treatment methods

The method of treating the problem under consideration mainly depends on how long this symptom has long and whether it is dangerous (what is the degree of danger). If you donate the dog began relatively recently, the owner can try to solve this problem at home, with their own hands. In the case of a protracted diarrhea, the best option will contact a specialist for help, which will promptly try to eliminate the existing problem.

Immediately, I would like to note that independently the treatment of diarrhea with blood or mucus is strictly prohibited, so the owners must understand the level of responsibility.

So, recommendations and ways to solve the problem:

  • As soon as the dog began diarrhea, it is necessary to temporarily stop feeding it (in this case, it is necessary to withstand 24 hours). After the day, the dog is preferably planted on a strict diet. Now in its diet should be such products like decoction of rice, boiled rice, as well as fermented dairy products. Such a diet will be able to help getting a digestion in the animal diarrhea will soon cease to be the problem of your pet.
  • A safe method for treating diarrhea in a dog - receiving activated carbon. This adsorbent will help withdraw all toxins from its body. Which have become the cause of food poisoning and diarrhea. Among other things, an excellent means for establishing digestion is brazers on herbs (bark oak, sage, cherry, etc.). In the event that diarrhea does not stop after the procedures conducted within three days, urgently contact the veterinarian.

All other methods of treatment concern the operational intervention of a specialist in this process:

  • In some cases, in order to stop diarrhea from a dog, it is prescribed daily droppers for several days.
  • Taking antibiotics. This method applies only after the doctor examines the animal and adds medicine to him.

An animal owner should understand that independent treatment of a dog with diarrhea with some drugs can end up completely sad, and you should understand that such a course of events can also lead to the death of a pet.

Despite the fact that the doctors argue that the dog's stomach is able to digest nails, sometimes, an acute bone or a non-baking product can cause a disorder of the digestive system and cause diarrhea.

If this ordinary food poisoning and the owner knows what his dog could choose, then you just need to give the dog to the dog activated coal (in this case, the proportions are identical to the human, 10 kilograms of live weight accounts for one tablet of activated carbon) and put it on the diet ( The rules of which were described above).

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