How to cause a dog vomiting

How to cause a dog vomiting

It happens that the dog's vomitive reflex is imperative, because the life of your pet depends on it. When poisoning, you need to empty the stomach in the shortest possible time, and then rinse it. If you have a dog, then you are simply obliged to know how to assist in poisoning, namely call a vomit reflex.

How to cause dog vomiting with a solution of manganese

You can provoke a vomitive reflex in a dog with the help of manganese, which you need to dilute in warm boiled water. A pair of manganese crystals added to the water simultaneously perform several functions at the same time, namely purify the intestines and neutralize pathogenic bacteria. A solution of light pink color is needed, otherwise the oversight of manganese can cause the burns of the esophagus. Vomoto excites the overstruction of a manganese solution with a dog. If the dog refuses to independently drink the prepared fluid, then it is necessary to come to radical measures. For this you need:

  • dial a solution into a syringe;
  • discover the dog;
  • pour into the mouth.

Adult dog per day you can drink or pour up to 3 liters of this solution.

How to cause a dog's vomiting with food salty salt

An equally effective way to cause vomiting is the use of food table salt. There are two ways to use salts in order to get the desired result. For the first method, it is necessary:

  • discover the dog;
  • on the root of the tongue, pour the floor of a teaspoon of salt.

This action instantly causes a vomit reflex. If you can't get to the root of the pet language, use another way. For the second method, it is necessary:

  • 1 cup of warm boiled water add 2-3 teaspoons of salt;
  • pour into the mouth of the dog this solution.

To pour the solution Take advantage of the syringe with a removed needle or fringe. A flooded solution provokes taste receptors to vomiting. After the stomach devastated, the dog will want to drink.

How to cause a dog vomiting hydrogen peroxide

The solution with hydrogen peroxide, also causes vomiting. In order to help the pet, and not harm, you should carefully choose peroxide. For dogs should be used 1.5% peroxide. To create a solution, it is necessary:

  • in 1 tbsp. A spoonful of boiled water add 1 h. spoon 1.5% hydrogen peroxide;
  • pour the resulting solution with a syringe.

For medium dogs, fill in the floor of the tablespoon, for large - 1 tbsp. spoon. If vomiting has not begun, you need to repeat the procedure. Maximum for dogs, per day, drink 3 tbsp. Spoons, more can provoke burns of the digestive system.

How to cause dog vomiting by medicines

Dog vomiting can be caused by special medicines purchased in a pharmacy. Most often use a vomit root, it copes perfectly with the task and is inexpensive. This medicine is also called hypquaan syrup. The choice of dosage depends on the weight of your pet, the dog weighing 5 kg is enough of the 1 teaspoon of the vomit syrup. In order to cause a dog vomiting necessary:

  • dial syrup syrup;
  • pour into the mouth;
  • make sure the pet swallowed syrup.

Vomiting comes immediately within a few minutes. Not inferior in action and apomorphine. It should be applied strictly on the applied instructions. Also, from the pharmacy means it helps to cause vomit reflex vaseline oil. For this purpose, 100 ml of vaseline oil will be sufficient. It is not worth worrying about a large amount of oil as it is useful for the stomach, and its excesses are absorbed into the walls of the stomach. Two functions are performed simultaneously: it will cause vomiting and strengthen, protect the stomach. When buying an oil, pay special attention to the composition of the vaseline oil. It should be without dyes, flavors, impurities, etc. At the pharmacy there are other means to call vomiting.

Be careful to dosages for calling vomiting. Puppies require special attention, because their organisms are weak and are subject to various infections. After you cleared the stomach to your favorite, contact the vet for inspection.

Comments leave a comment
Alla 03/21/2018 at 11:39.

It would be better if the article was how to stop vomiting. My dog \u200b\u200bis breaking the second day, and we are in the country. I watch two more hours and go to the clinic probably. I do not like it, I was probably poisoned (((

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Diana 03/22/2018 at 18:56.

Alla, how are you doing? How does the dog feel? I would not wait for two days, I would immediately go to the clinic to the vet. As soon as the vomiting begins by the dog, I immediately give Enterosoo in such cases. This is a special enterosorbent for animals, which takes harmful substances from the animal organism. It always helps us, before the clinic have never arrived with such problems.

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