How to give a cat tablet

How to give a cat tablet

Cats are sick, like people and veterinar discharges them medicines. And for the prevention of different diseases, animals give pills. Do you get bad from one thought that you have to give a tablet cat? Just shove it into the mouth with a stubborn animal with a terrible character it does not work. Do not worry, we will tell you how without much difficulty give a tablet with a home pet.

How to give a cat tablet - mix in food

Find out the veterinarian, is it possible to wash the tablet in the food? Bitter preparations and in the gelatin shell are not added to the food with an animal. Another question for the vet - is it possible to dissolve the pill in the water? This makes it easier for the procedure. If you can give medicine with food, your actions are as follows:

  • matten the tablet and stir powder with feline delicacy. If it is a capsule - open it and pour off the powder in the food, then stir. Open the capsule only to resolve the veterinarian or it is allowed to do in the instructions. But the cat can teach the smell of medication and will not eat food;
  • tool a cat with a mixture of sour cream and crushed tablet. The cat is being worried this mixture;
  • slide a small tablet into a piece of sausages or another favorite product. But the cat can eat sausage, and the medicine will remain.

The above method can work only if the tablet is small and without a strong smell. Nuh cats are stronger than people. Animal recognizes product stuffing and refuses to eat it.

How to give a cat tablet - radical method

If you need to give the entire tablet, your actions are as follows:

  • take a cat in your hands, intend it, calm;
  • press the relaxed pet to the knees;
  • hold the cat's body with one hand at the same time, and the palm is his head;
  • open the mouth of a pet with a thumb of the same hand;
  • place the tablet with a free hand in the mouth of the cat. Put it on the side or the root of the language;
  • close the jaw with the animal and wait until the pet swallows the pill.

Calm or just let go of a poor sufferer. Well, if you have an assistant who holds a cat, and you put medicine to him in the mouth. Tablets that can be brewed with water can give a cat with a syringe. Pre-remove needle from the syringe.

How to give a cat tablet - use a blanket

What if the pet breaks out of the hands and it is impossible to keep it? Use a blanket or thick bedspread so that the cat does not scratch you. Catch the cat and wrap it tightly into the blanket. From the blanket should be visible one of his head. Take a cat in your hands, and then everything goes according to the scheme described in the second paragraph. Immediately do not wrap a pet in a blanket. Put it on the sofa or windowsill, intend and talk to animals.

How to give a cat tablet - useful tips

Useful recommendations in this difficult business:

  • let's a stubborn cat a tablet on a neutral territory, and not in attractive places for it. For example, remove it into the corridor or in the bathroom;
  • do not shout on a frightened pet. He is so scary;
  • make sure the cat swallowed the tablet. It lies if the medicine is eaten. Some singers hide the pill in the mouth, and when they are released - they spin it to the floor;
  • praise the cat for the eaten tablet and treat something tasty. It will calm the pet and he can remember that after bitter pills give a snack.

Remember that the success of this case depends on the nature of the cat. There are quiet animals and a tablet take them without problems. And there are cats with a bad character and you will have to work hard to swallow the medicine. If nothing happens - carry a pet pet to the vet, it will definitely give a tablet cat.

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