How cat cut claws

How cat cut claws

Cat owners sooner or later face such a problem as clawing. The question rises than and how to trim the claws to your favorite at the same time, without hurting him.

How a cat cut claws - tool selection

To cut the cat's curls, there are various tools. The tool selection depends only on your preferences. Cut the cat claws can be:

  • scissors are the most common tool that needs to be used carefully. They can easily damage the living part of the claw, where blood vessels are located at the pet;
  • nail bearings - a tool that cut claws will not be difficult. The curved shape of the tips of the bustard attaches the right form of claw;
  • the trimmer for claws is a tool that in one click on the handle burns the claw cat.

Also necessary for nail file. With it, you can give the rounding of the claw in the location of the cut. Before each haircut claws should be prepared cotton discs and a means to stop blood. This is necessary in order for the cat in the case of injury to provide him with medical care.

How cat cut claws - haircut steps

In order to safely trim the claws of your favorite, you need to stick to the main stages of the haircut.

  • Pre-process with alcohol tools that are going to make a procedure.
  • Crack your favorite, intend it, inclusive and on the legs. It must be accepted gradually from early age, to this procedure. And then he will have positive associations with a haircut of claws.
  • Alternately pressed on the pads, the claws will be released, which must be trimmed by a clawing tool. Crop must be perpendicular to claw so that the plate does not smell. Be particularly attentive, since the claw of the animal is divided into a "live" part and "non-living". In the "live" part there are nervous endings, blood vessels and on the sight it is pinkish. Determine where the "non-fat" part is very simple. To do this, see the claw in the light. Cats with bright claws determine much easier than cats with dark claws. Dark thunders cut 1 mm in order not to damage the nerve endings. Cut only the tip of the claw.
  • If necessary, pumped the pail sharp edges of claws. This is necessary for the cat not cling to claws for the carpet, furniture, and also did not scratch.
  • Praise the cat and treat delicate.

If you accidentally inflicted a cat injury, cutting off too much clawing, treat hydrogen peroxide. This is a hemostatic remedy, an antiseptic, will help stop blood. In case the blood does not stop, wrap the paw with a bandage and urgently refer to the veterinarian.

Like a cat Stream claws - periodicity of the haircut

When the cat's claws cut solves only the owner when looking at the pet, about once every two weeks. The periodicity of the clawing has depends on:

  • cat activity. Energetic cats that live an active life in the process of games are signed them on their own. And the cats that are tapered, it is necessary to periodically cut the claws;
  • colors of a coggy case. Cats that have dark plates, claws grow slower than that of cats with light plates;
  • individuality Cat's body. Each cat has a unique body and the growth rate of claws is different.

How cat cut claws - useful tips

  • Crop the claws when the cat is in a good mood. If she runs away, do not stop her. The best moment for cutting claws is after it feeding.
  • Let the cat sniffing a clawing tool. Thus, the pet will get acquainted with an unknown subject.
  • If the cat does not cut claws, it must be fixed with a towel. Thus, you will save it from injury and yourself from scratches.
  • In order for the homemade pet to do not spoil furniture, and also did not scratch, use the antihafts for claws.

This procedure must be performed with a certain periodicity at mandatory. Cut Cat Cat will take a few minutes if you adhere to the above information.

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