The hosts of the cat over time are faced with the situation when there is no time a comforting and affectionate kitten becomes a motley kitty, which brings a lot of trouble. Somewhere after a year, he begins to look for a cat and a wild voice, asking for the street. But the worst thing - he begins to mark his territory in which anything can enter. These are the corners of furniture, shop shoes, standing on the floor bag, etc. At this time, the owners are ready to even get rid of the evil and unmanaged animal. But not everything is so scary - the cat can just castrate, the main thing is to know when it is.
Veterinarians converge that castration can be carried out, starting from the seven-month-old kitten and ending with seven years. At this time, the cat is full of strength and health, and this operation will not bring him any problems. The operation is carried out outpatient, i.e. After removing the seed cant of the cat immediately send home with the owners. After a day, the cat is completely restored, and the owners are waiting in the house of silence and purity.After castration, the cat is recommended to feed the special feed for castrated cats. Recommendations can be obtained from the veterinarian or having studied independently for feline feeds.