Cats and cats have long and firmly occupied an important place in human life. But sometimes these wonderful relations darkens the habit of animals to go to the toilet past the tray. The causes of such behavior in the animal can be the most different, but the result is always one - the caustic smell, from which it is very difficult to get rid of. But still there are ways to bring it.
Election of cat smell with chlorine
Any chlorine-containing substance, be it a toilet toilet ("toilet duckling", "Domasetos", etc.) will help to quickly get rid of the feline smell. To begin with a wet cloth, remove the urine, then pour this place to the cleaning agent, thoroughly sweeten the brush and rush with plenty of water. But at the same time adhere to several rules:
- feed animals and children from the cleaned place, as the pair of detergent can poison them;
- use the gloves tool, since chlorine strongly corps the skin;
- after the procedure, spark the apartment well.
In addition, chlorine can not be applied on the carpet and carpet, since the fabric will burn off and ugly light spots will remain.
Election of cat smell with lemon juice
This method is good, as it not only removes the smell, but also scares the animal, thereby protecting the place from the repeated "attack." For cleansing, first of all, rinse thoroughly, where the animal went down. Then squeeze the juice of one lemon into the cup and wipe the desired area. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for carpet coatings, since citric acid burns the coloring pigments.
Disagreement of cat smell using a mortgage solution
A weak manganese solution perfectly disinfects any surface, but along with it also painfully paints it. Before applying such a solution, try it on a small plot that is not visible (under the sofa, chair, etc.). If there are no changes, we boldly wash the warman's solution to the place where the cat went in a small one.
Election of cat smell with vodka
Vodka perfectly removes the cat smell, especially fresh, just wipe it a marked place. But there is in this method its minuses - the smell of vodka will also stay in the house for a long time, and will have a single hour to air the room.
Election of cat smell from carpet
If the cat is a fresh label on the carpet, then it will be much easier to cope with her than with the solar. To do this, take the napkins, well blunt the cleaned place until the moisture leaves and wipe it with its economic soap. If the puddle is old, then sprinkle it with soda and spend the wet brushed. After that, rinse well with water.
Breast smell from clothes
Often animals marked the owner's clothes, and some people throw such things, not knowing what to do next. But everything is simple, put a thing with a powder and air conditioning, and if it did not help - put a thing in a weak acetic solution, and then the smell will leave.
What undesirable to bring the smell of feline urine
Various fresheners and smelling means can not withdraw the smell of feline urine and rid of the problem. They only mask unpleasant flavors for a while, but the animal still feels and continues to walk in a small at the same place.
How to find a place that marked the cat
Often, the owners cannot find a place that exudes an unpleasant caustic smell, since on some surfaces of the feline "puddles" are simply not visible. For search, use UV lamp, it will highlight urine in yellow (and not only cat, but also any other). There are special lamps on sale, but if you have a lamp for nails, you can use it.
Knowing all ways to remove the cat smell, it's not so difficult to cope with it. But it is best to prevent such situations, and for this you need to pay attention to the purity of the animal tray, on its physical and psychological state.