Catchetka for cats do it yourself

Catchetka for cats do it yourself

Cute, fluffy kitten is not just an object of our adoration. This is a pet, which needs to take care of. In addition to everything else, he has the need to sharpen his cognich. And if you do not think about kohtotchka, I'll have to look with horror on torn wallpapers, spoiled carpets and rimmed furniture.

From ordinary tree

Quickly fast and cheap way - to do it khogtetchochka From natural materials. We will need:

  • Tree.
  • Digger.
  • Nails.

The first thing we do is produce a small piece of tree trunk (it can be either found in the forest, or just buy on any market). Next, take a skip (it represents the foundation kohttechki). It is necessary to attach a long and sharp pin. The last step is to secure a piece of wood on the pin (after drilled in the first hole).
Put khogtetchochka on a prominent place. To attract more cats, cats can be sprinkled with a solution of valerian or mint influence.

Simple kogtetochka-toy

In order to make a simple clawing, which is also still portable, you will need:

  • Digger.
  • Foam.
  • Felt, carpet or furniture fabric.

Everything is simple: we look with the boards of foam rubber on all sides, then wind the cloth and sew it. Such khogtetchochka You can make any shape: in the form of a pillow, mice or a conventional rectangle. For greater reliability, it is possible to wind it with a rope, navigate the fabric to a plank or simply lubricate with glue.

From pillow

You do not even have to specifically cut something or screwed for this species. kohttechki. It will take only a tightly stuffed pillow (of course, not feathers). Pillowcase is better taken from the furniture fabric.

From a cardboard circle and rope

We will need:

  • Cardboard circle or piece of plywood.
  • Glue.
  • Rope, harness or carpet.

It is necessary to glue the rope to the cardboard circle on the helix. True, garbage from such kohttechki May be quite a lot.

Corner suspension kogtetchka

We will need:

  • Boards.
  • Carpet.

It is necessary to enjoy the carpet. Then rave them in the corners so that the cat can reach them.

Vertical kogtetchka

For the manufacture of one of the most popular khogtechop We need the following things:

  • Two wooden boards (average size 40 by 40 cm).
  • Wood tube (with a diameter of 10-15 cm).
  • Tight rope sufficient width.
  • Furniture corners for fastening.
  • Carpet.

Initially we are wearing our cats carpet. You can then nail it with nails (for reliability). Next, turn around the wooden pipe with a rope, fix it with a safe glue without a specific smell. Last step we attach our pipe to the boards with furniture corners. Kogtetchochka You can use!

Of course, our favorite cats and without any khogtechop They will find where to sharpen their claws, whether it is a rolled palace or an ordinary chair. But however ways to make a special khogtetchochka For a cat, just a mass, many of which will not take and thirty minutes, and at cost will be three times cheaper. So it remains only to find free time and connect your imagination.

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