How to make a cat

How to make a cat

There are situations when a homely animal, like a person, medical care is required. And if in some cases without a veterinarian just can not do, then simple manipulations, for example, subcutaneous or intramuscular injections, can be performed independently. Find out of our article, how to make a crawl root.


How to make a cat - some important rules

  • Hands and all tools that are used in work should be sterile clean.
  • It is impossible to touch the hands of an open needle, even if you were disinfected with an antiseptic.
  • It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of the drug appointed by the doctor.
  • The injection site should also be chosen correctly.
  • Print the ampoules with the medicine can be immediately before using them. If, at a time, it is impossible to smooth the entire ampoule, but it is necessary to divide it on the dose, then it is better to gain a remedy into different syringes and store the medicine in them, putting into the refrigerator. Before the introduction of the syringe you need to warm up in your hand.

By writing you down the recipe, the veterinarian will make a mark: in / m or n / k. This means that the drug you will prick intramuscularly either subcutaneously.

How to make an injection of a cat intramuscularly

For intramuscular injection of the cat, the smallest syringe is suitable - insulin. The needle in it is thin and short, it will not break during the manipulation and cause the animal minimum pain. The volume of insulin syringe is 1 ml, but for a small animal, it seems like the cat is often enough.

Here are some tips to how to make an intramuscle of a cat:

  • For intramuscular injection, the thigh or an animal shoulder is best suited. When carrying out the manipulation of a pet, you need to keep tightly, to do it quickly and confidently.
  • Animals feel the fear of the owner, and they themselves begin to be nervous, so you need to calm down before.
  • Keep the syringe correctly and take a good place to the selected place. Try not to get into the bone. The needle can be administered to the muscle of only 1-2 cm.
  • To relax the muscles of the animal, slightly bend it the paw.
  • Do not enter the medicine quickly, do it smoothly and slowly.
  • After driving the needle, massage the injection place and release the cat.

How to make a cat subcutaneous injection

Making the injection is subcutaneously very simple. It is necessary to calculate the skin in those places where it can be easily grasp. As a rule, these places are sites near the knee folds, as well as the withers - the zone between the blades. The withers are considered the optimal option, because it is there that cats are the least sensitivity.

How to do the injection subcutaneously, consider in the instructions:

  • Disinfect the tools and hands, open the ampoule and clearly measure the desired amount of the drug.
  • Choose a place for a puncture and pull the skin by forming a fold.
  • Enter the needle into a fold at an angle of 45 °, holding it along the spine.
  • Powdling and punctures skin, slowly enter the medicine.

How to make a crawl - how fast to enter drugs

It is believed that the larger the dose of medication, the slower it needs to be introduced into the muscle. If we take 1 ml to the means that the average is enough for cats and cats weighing 4-5 kg, then the introduction will need about 3 seconds. Too for too long to delay the procedure is also not worth it, because it will lead to an increase in pain.

Under the skin you can enter large volumes of drugs than in the muscle, and the speed in this case does not have such a large value. If, for example, you need to make several injections at once, the needle of the withers are not taken out, but simply change the syringe with the drug.

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