How to wean a dog bark

How to wean a dog bark

When the dog barks is the usual phenomenon. But quite often, the dog Lai annoys not only the owners, but also around. Sometimes a unreasonable dog can cause a quarrel of neighbors. Therefore, the owners of the scandalous animal appears a desire to wean him bark. Before you start it, you need to understand the causes of the behavior of the dog in those situations that cause a desire to publish loud sounds. After all, in fact, she communicates in this way with its owner and other pets, and there is nothing terrible in this if it lasts long. In general, look for the cause of animal concern.

The reasons why the dog shows anxiety, maybe several:

  • The dog may wanted to play. Like other animals, she is able to experience joy and is trying to express her laware.
  • Pet may experience fear. The feeling of fear occurs when he remains alone, especially in a small room.
  • An animal is worried about different unfamiliar sounds, and it will answer them with loud lare.
  • It can just get bored, and to dispel boredom, loud or sprinkle loudly or something.

Having learned when and under what reasons the dog occurs anxiety, you just need to exclude them. Fully, of course, to get rid of the dog barking will not work, but relief will come.

You can wean unfortunately barking the dog, using training, at which the pet show that it is not very good to express your mood. Education of training will teach him to restrain emotional feelings. You can resort to different drugs that balance the emotions of the animal. It can be decractions of sedative herbs, tincture and pills. It happens, some owners use collars in which the dog is not capable of barking. True, the owner risks in this case to cause a sustainable sense of aggression. You can still apply the most brutal way of surgical intervention: the PSU cuts voice ligaments, from which it completely loses his voice.

In some training methods, we will dwell in more detail. When the dog begins to bark, serve the command "To me." The voice does not stand at the same time and every time she comes to you, it needs to be encouraged. The yummy will become an incentive for the execution of the team and will distract from the unfortunate flaw. When the animal does not want to respond to your team, you must give it to understand the inadmissibility of such behavior. After some time, it will understand why he is being encouraged, and for which - punishment. Psa can calm down so that he does not bark, just having fun in his ears slightly. Do it regularly, and the pet will not bark for no reason.

In some difficult cases, food additives of soothing action can be applied. Such substances include chamomile, valerian and melatonin. The last element contributes to the suppression of the production of hormones of the genual glands in animals. Such additives are sold in the form of tablets and drops. It is enough to drip drops into the mouth of a dog, and she will behave calmly. In this way, the animal is extinguished from flaw if there is no possibility to engage in training.

In special cases, when the dog does not give in to training, it is recommended to use collars with citronella, which acts on the pets is pacifying. These collars are much better than shock, do not cause fear and aggression from the dog.

So that the dog can not be caught, manifest patience and care. Understanding the reason, it is easier to cope with the problem. And know that the animal in the animal is a means of communication, and you should not make radical measures, you just need to adjust its behavior.

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