How many pregnancy lasts in dogs

How many pregnancy lasts in dogs

If you started a purebred dog and you are going to ride puppies, then you need to know about the pregnancy features of the bitch. The most important thing is the period of to wear puppies. It turns out that it is quite small, compared with the deadlines of pregnancy in other mammals.

How many pregnancy lasts in dogs of different breeds

The term of pregnancy does not depend on the breed and the magnitude of the dog. The standard is considered 60-62 days, but there are some deviations in a large (up to 72 days) or smaller (up to 58 days) side. It should be remembered that:

  • puppies, born earlier than 58 days, most likely will be not viable;
  • puppies who were not born up to 72 days, it is necessary to get from the womb of the bitch with the help of cesarean sections.

How many pregnancy lasts in dogs - from what day to start counting

Start the countdown of the pregnancy of bitchs you need from the day of mating it with a male. Since the mating is recommended to do twice with a break in one or two days, the beginning of the period of pregnancy can be conventionally associated with the middle of two mating. For example: bitch tied up on May 10 and 13 - the period of pregnancy can be started from May 11-12. Adding 60-62 standard days, childbirth can be expected on July 13-14. Deviation for a couple of days in one or the other side is considered normal, because it is impossible to know exactly how fertilization happened on what day.

How many pregnancy lasts in dogs - signs of her offensive

Until the third or fourth week of pregnancy, it is almost impossible to accurately argue about the occurrence of pregnancy. Before that time, bitches usually behave as before, and they have no external manifestations at all. After the third week you can see some changes in the behavior and the appearance of the dog. It can be less active and more sleep. Also:

  • Starting from 28-30 days, the bitch increases the dairy glands. Nipples become darker, and the skin around them, on the contrary, brighten. From the same time, the tummy begins to grow.
  • From 33-35 days, the bitch can start rapidly.
  • For a week or ten days before birth, the mature bitches that have repeatedly pledged, milk appears. Young dogs first pregnancy, milk at this time may not be.
  • In the period of 38-45 days, an experienced veterinarian is certainly forgiven in his stomach at the dog puppies.

How many pregnancy lasts the dog - the exact definition

If the owner wants to be exactly sure that his dog will be mom, he can bring his pet into the clinic. There, with the help of a special diagnosis, he will be told to the long-awaited event.

  • Ultrasound. It is done from 22 to 24 days of alleged pregnancy and if it came, then on the monitor will be visible separate embryos of puppies.
  • X-ray. Made from 38 to 45 days of pregnancy and needed to accurately determine the number of future puppies.

How many pregnancy lasts the dog - some useful recommendations

In order for the dog to endure strong puppies and herself did not weaken during pregnancy and childbirth, it is necessary to comply with such rules:

  • The first mating is closer in a biennial age of the dog. Usually by this time it comes to the second or third territory. The same applies to dogs. Earlier, one and a half or two years, they are not recommended to be unleashed.
  • Mating need to be done since the 11th and ending the 15th day of bitch. These days are considered the most favorable to conceive puppies.
  • Never knit a dog in every course. The optimal break in one or two temperatures.
  • Knit only a healthy dog. The slightest deviations even in the psyche, not to mention chronic diseases, are considered contraindications for breeding.

The pregnant dog should receive high-quality food and special vitamins. It is necessary to walk in the air as desire and taking into account the weather conditions. Giving a healthy dog \u200b\u200bis naturally and without human help. But if there are some doubts, it is better for the birth of the bitch to invite a specialist from the clinic or a competent person engaged in breeding dogs.

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