Whats Spray - Instructions for use

Whats Spray - Instructions for use

The drug of whats spray is an effective antimicrobial agent for the treatment of skin diseases and wounds in pets. It is used externally, has antifungal and antimicrobial effects.

What is the spray - the composition and properties of the drug

Thus spray is a combined antibacterial drug for treating dogs, cats, cows, goats and other farm animals.

The preparation includes 2 basic substances:

  • genzian Violet - 0.5 g;
  • chlortotracycline hydrochloride - 2 g

This is a strong antiseptic with simultaneously antifungal and antiseptic effect. It is used to process any skin damage in animals: wounds, abrasion, scratches, and also used in the treatment of hoofs of man-fate livestock in necrobacteriosis.

Indications for use:

  • for processing minor damage to skin cover;
  • for processing surgical wounds;
  • under poanaria;
  • for processing wounds, abrasion, ulcers;
  • for processing interpal dermatitis;
  • in the treatment of open abscesses in cats and dogs, pigs, horses, cows, poultry.

What's a spray. How to apply

The drug spray on the affected area. Processing is performed in a ventilated room or on the street. If it is necessary to handle the wound in the head area, it is impossible to make the drug in the eye.

Before proceeding with the processing of the Russian Academy of Sciences and ulcers, it is necessary to prepare this section: remove all pollution, remove dead fabrics, get rid of pus and wound exudate.

The spray duration of the spray: within 2 seconds, from a distance of at least 20 cm. Shake the cylinder before use.

Number of applications: from 1 to 3 times within 24 hours.

Duration of treatment: it all depends on the organism of the animal, from the severity of the wounds, their size, healing speeds. In any case, the treatment of whats from the spray should not exceed 10 days.

What is the spray - contraindications and use

There are no contraindications, only idiosyncrasy of the animals during treatment.

Side effects during the treatment of domestic animals was also not revealed. When an allergic reaction to the drug, but also an increased sensitivity of the animal, is assigned additional therapy - receiving antihistamines.

With other drugs Chemi spray combines well, interactions have been detected.

The active substance does not accumulate in the body and does not affect the animal products. Therefore, treatment goats, chickens, and cows operate normally without isolation from other animals and without utilization of milk and eggs.

Slaughter - in standard mode without any restrictions. If there is a situation forced the slaughter of livestock, the treated areas drug Chemi spray must be removed and make their recycling.

Chemi spray. Storage

storage time, according to the information on the package, is 24 months. Hold the drug substance must be at a temperature of not lower than 15 degrees and not more than 20 degrees, in the original package, in a dry place, avoiding direct sunlight.

Chemi discharged in spray containers with a spray volume of 200 ml. No analogs.

Chemi spray - precautions

Treating the animal, it is necessary to strictly observe personal hygiene. After manipulation to wash your hands, if the material comes into a vulnerable part of the body, should immediately rinse it well with water several times.

When processing animal forbidden spraying spray near the heaters, any heat sources (fireplaces, ovens, open flames). Treatment is carried out only in the open air, and if this is not possible - in a well-ventilated area.

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