Today, pigeons can be found everywhere in cities and suburban areas. They are rather noisy creatures and leave their excrement everywhere, damaging thin furniture and attracting other parasites, mice and rats. Pigeon litter look unpleasant, and its uric acid can cause damage to the roof of the house. Excrecents also contain bacteria and mushrooms that are dangerous to human life. Homestalls to combat pigeons are safe, affordable and environmentally friendly drugs.
How to get rid of pigeons - we use Mink
Attach the spring along the edge of the roof or balcony. Fasten it tightly tape or wire every 20 cm. This is a very popular and safe remedy against these annoying birds.
How to get rid of pigeons - we use water
You can use the garden hose as a weapon against pigeons. Birds will not like it when a strong jet of water is directed to them. Such a procedure can be repeated several times.
How to get rid of pigeons - block holes
Make so that the pigeons could not get into the attic or roof. Make sure the ventilation openings and visors are securely protected. Fill them with heavy curtains or plastic stripes to make it difficult to enter. Close the corners where birds like to build nests, durable fabric and plaster. In large open sites, you can install oversized pigeons.
How to get rid of pigeons - mirrors and noise
Use reflective tape fixed on the edge of the roof or hanging objects emitting noise to scare away birds. If you hang up CDs or bells on the balcony, the sun's rays will fall on them, causing glare. The use of reflective objects is one of the best domestic remedies from pigeons.
How to get rid of pigeons - we use the rope
Stretch a solid rope from one end of a visor to another, where birds love to sit down.
How to get rid of pigeons - spicy repeller
Pigeons do not tolerate spicy smell. Sprinkle pepper or cinnamon in those places where birds are often sitting. Do not skip the spices, and also repeat the procedure after each rain.
How to get rid of pigeons - birds of birds and snakes
Use the forties of prey birds and snakes to scare away the pigeons. You can buy a plastic or stone statue of owls or hawk. Put it on the spot where pigeons are most often sitting.
How to get rid of pigeons - install spikes
Installation of spikes on the roof is a simple and frequently used way to combat birds.
How to get rid of pigeons - ultrasound devices
Many people use ultrasound waves and devices to scare away pigeons. This method is most often used in trading buildings and farmers in agricultural land. Because of its effectiveness, the method today is used in most utilities.
Precautionary measures
- Maintain cleanliness.
- Wear gloves and masks while cleaning pigeons excrement to avoid infection.
- Use clean water in the bowls.
- Close the entry point using the tape sticky.
- Exterminate pests.
Remember that pigeons are not a typical pest that can be destroyed by a spray or bullet. Most often to get rid of annoying birds require an integrated approach and the use of several strategies.