How to bring taking from the site

How to bring taking from the site

It is terrible to walk in the country where the snake can be trusted for each bush. In such a situation, the main goal is to bring out from the site. For this, snakes are created unpleasant living conditions.

Snakes love wet dark warm places. Move your order on the plot, squeeze high grass, remove the deposits of garbage and foliage.

Snakes love silence and peace. Coming to the cottage, attach, go around the site, bouncing or shocking your feet. To transfer vibration to the soil, put the windmills and vane.


Move the compost bunch to the flooring, and on the ground, put a saltper or almophos under it in geotextile.


The perimeter of the plot is with herbicide. Around the shower, lunite, children's sandbox at a distance of 2 m Earth, too, pour fertilizer. Herbicide can be replaced by kerosene, diluted 1 to 2 water.

To avoid the appearance of things in the house, squeeze the floor plywood, put the plinth, remove the possible slots.


Display from the mice. When it goes extraction, and the burdes will also be consumed.


Get a hunting breed or cat. Dachshunds and Yagd Terriers will actively catch snakes. Cats are hunting not only behind mice, but also for the horror.


Primeze the hedgehog, laying on the site of a saucer with milk and chicken meat. Snakes do not get along near the hedgehogs.

Found the cut snake skin take on the shovel and attributed far beyond the site. The snake returns to the previous place, and the old skin is a lighthouse for her.


Cut the horse a shovel, to splash on it gasoline and set fire. When the skin is melted and smelled with burner meat, put out. Pieces scatter around the house and around the perimeter of the plot. Snakes will not climb where they destroyed their fellow.

Frecks most often live in abandoned, little settlements. They are afraid of people much more than serpent people. If you are often on the site, there is an order, the grass beveling, and there are no secluded dark corners, then it is likely that the burials themselves will soon escape in search of the place of a quiete.

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