How to measure the plot

How to measure the plot

Now many residents of cities are owners of country sites. In order to correctly distribute the area under the crops of different crops, you need to know the size of the possessions. In our country, most often use such units of measurement as weaving and hectare. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to measure the plot of correct and incorrect form.

If you are lucky, and you are the owner of the rectangular block of the earth, then it is easy to determine its size. Measure its width and length in meters. After that, multiply two quantities on each other, and you will get the land area in square meters. In order to translate the area into the weave, it is necessary to divide the resulting value by 100. That is, if the length of the section is 40 m, and its width is 20, then the area area is 800 m 2, it is 8 acres. Are you the owner of a very big land of earth? Then it is more expedient to use not weave, but hectares. In one hectare of 100 acres.

How to measure the plot

If the site has no rectangular shape, then it must be divided into different figures. Typically use squares and trapezoids. Next, calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach figure separately and summarize all the results. The resulting number is divided by 100, and we obtain the result in the weave. If it is difficult for you to do it yourself or on the land block there are barriers that interfere with the measurements, use the services of geodesists.

How to measure the plot

Now for measuring the size of the site, such devices are used:

  • tacheometers;
  • rangefinder;
  • arrogant tower.

Companing companies use a triangle method or a linear retardation method. If the site is located on the slope, the level is needed to determine its size.

How to measure the plot

To carry out the measurements, the level in the center of the site must be placed and put the measuring instrument in the horizontal position. To the midstone, you need to install a rail in a vertical position. After that, the instrument is visited. Write down the resulting number. Install the measuring rail to another partial stone and measure, do not forget to fix the value. So you will get the slope of the plot and you can use the rule of the triangle for calculations. Divide the catat on the hypotenuse - and get the corner sinus.

When issuing documents to Earth, experts apply an analytical or mechanical measurement method. At the same time, the most accurate is considered an analytical method, since it takes into account all the corners and breaks of the site. But most often use a mechanical method that does not differ in high accuracy, but allows you to determine the area in a short time.

How to measure the plot

If you are going to build a house on a sloping area, be sure to refer to the geodesists that accurately determine the size of the site and its slope. It is very important for choosing a building option. On steep slopes, it is advisable to build stepped houses with terraces. At the bottom of the slope is colder than everything, so there should not be designed bedroom. In this part of the slope you should build a garage or business room. If the slope is less than 5 degrees, then you can make alignment and build a house according to a typical project.

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