How to get rid of moss

How to get rid of moss

Moss is a fairly peaceful plant and does not carry much danger. However, it is classified as weed, and therefore can negatively influence the yield of garden crops. A particularly unpleasant moment in the case of moss - active growth in certain conditions. The result can be a lawn, covered with a holistic "velvet" carpet instead of bright colors and decorative shrubs. In this case, you will have to run with the "uninvited guest".

If the moss covers a minor territory and does not bother you too much, the easiest way to scrape him with robbles. Some efforts will be required, but cleaning will be fast enough. Remote layers collect from the soil. The same method is actually treated with a large area, but there will be a lawn mower and nozzle with separating blade.

In a too dense layer of soil, the grass can be cleaned due to lack of nutrients, and instead germinate moss. The problem will solve the soil aeration. It will take to explode the ground with a pitchflower, pulling holes about 10 cm deep every 10-15 cm. Again, the method is suitable for a small area. Full lawn is treated with a mechanical or electric aerator.

When simple methods do not act and moss dishes new lands, it should be understood from the cause of brown growth. Favorable weed conditions arise in such cases:

  • Wet soil. If the Earth reluctantly crumble in his hands, it was rejected. Add sand into the soil, thereby aligning the surface, and then spend aeration. In places of the greatest MHA activity, make a recess of about 10-15 cm and pour river sand into them. If possible, build on the wastewater site.
  • Poor or scusted soil. On such a soil grows moss with green riding and brown bottom. It is possible to enrich the soil in the spring by adding a layer of fertilous land. Acid balance will restore the dolomite flour if scattering it on the lawn in the fall and in spring. Also handle the surface can be with a solution of chalk (dessert spoon on the water bucket).
  • Shadow. In this case, it is enough to trim the lower branches of trees so that more sunlight falls on the ground. Places where the shadension is not removed in any way, it should be extremely rare. Here you can land plants that do not like bright light, for example, fern or grottoes.

The radical method of combating weeds - the use of general herbicides. Chemical preparations burn the plant and root itself, after which it remains to remove his remnants and falling down the liberated grass area.

Moss is so untold, which grows even on a tree and stone. With wooden garden furniture, with fences and stumps it is possible to remove with iron sulfate. Decorative structures from stone, as well as monuments are purified by soda solution or special cleansing means.

Get rid of MCH enough just at the moment when the plant only appeared on the site and did not have time to spread in the soil. Therefore, it is important to follow the state of the lawn and prevent the growth of weeds. Although in some situations actively growing moss can become an indispensable element of landscape design.

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