During the registration of the land plot, the owner issues several documents and provides them with a number of instances. By contacting these organizations with relevant requests, you can find out the owner of the land.
Mandatory references to search for the owner of the site
To get information about the owner of the site you will need a cadastral number or postal address.
- The cadastral passport is assigned to each site in the Russian Federation. This is a state document, which indicates the status of the station, address, area, property form and other information.
- The cadastral number of the plot located on the summer site is in the accounting book of the Cooperative. Theoretically, the chairman of the garden partnership can also find out all the information you are interested in, but often in the documentation of the cooperative is not made information about the owner of the station.
- Reliable search for reference material in the cadastral ward. On the Internet, on the website Maps.rosreestr.ru, there is a public cadastral map of Russia. To resolve the issue, the program will require the site number, address or coordinates of the defense. You can also find out the code of neighboring sites and it is quick to find interesting to find it, but the code with it.
- There are several ways to find out the location (address) put on the Internet: via the Internet, going to the rosreestr.ru website and indicating the number of the desired area. Personally or by mail, contacting the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography.
Search for the Owner of the Garden Plot through EPN
For information of interest, it is necessary to send to a single register of relevant property (ERPN) request and attach a receipt for the payment of state duty. In the application to make data about the friend and specify the cadastral number of the defense. After 5 days, the owner's information will be provided.
Search for the owner of the garden plot through the Federal Registration Chamber
In this case, information about the cadastral number is not required, but you need to know the postal address of the site. Initially, you should make a request to the Russian state register, pay for the duty and wait for discharge from the registry. The next step is to appeal to the Federal Registration Chamber. Employees I need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, an extract from the registry and receipt of payment of duty. After 5 days, the owner of the territory will be known.
Find the owner of the garden plot through the local administration
During the registration of the Earth, there is an intertarization procedure, all information is transmitted to the district administration. If you make a request to the Department of Municipal Property, you can get an answer to the question of interest.
Search for the Owner of the Garden Plot through the Tax Inspectorate
After the property is registered, all information about the owner of the site, including the address, place of work and telephones enter the tax inspectorate. You can seek help in this institution, but you have to answer questions, why are these information necessary.
Get information about the owner of the site is not so easy as I would like. To get the necessary information, you will need time for visiting the instances. If the timing is not pressed, and I do not want to stand in the queues, all applications can be sent via the Internet and in the same way to receive an answer.