How to change the purpose of the land plot

How to change the purpose of the land plot

Each plot of land located in the state has its purpose. The obligation of the owner of the Earth is to ensure its use according to the law. If the land owner plans to carry out activities on it, not provided for by law, it should be changed to the target partition.

It is necessary to distinguish the definitions of the "Land Category" and "the target destination of the land plot". The first definition is widespread and includes categories for which the land is divided by the main target purpose:

  • agricultural purpose;
  • land for development;
  • environmental territories;
  • historical and cultural significance;
  • forest fund;
  • water fund;
  • industry, communication, transport, energy, defense and other purposes.

Within each category there are several types of target land.

The owner can change the target appointment of the Earth without changing the category. Changing the category is almost impossible, as it happens at the federal level and requires very good reason. With a simple change in the purpose of the land in the framework of the specified category, the decision is made at the municipal level and is fully implemented.

To begin with, apply in a free form in rural, village, urban council (for land located within the settlement) or to the district state administration. Attach the following documents:

  • cadastral passport of the site;
  • a copy of the person's passport or a copy of the state registration certificate for a legal entity;
  • a guide document;

The administration will hold a hearing, which will be attended by the owners of neighboring sites and persons living in the area of \u200b\u200bthe land location area. Based on their comments and conclusions of the Commission, the head of the administration will decide on permission or ban on changing the purpose of the site.

If the land owner wants to change the appointment of only its part, the project of removal of the land plot is preparing. If the purpose of the entire site is changing, you will need to rearrange the existing design project.

To change the purpose of the land plot, it may be necessary to take time, but it is worth spending it. After all, the use of the site is not for the appointment is not only illegal, but also threatens with serious fines the offender.

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