How to sell part of the land plot

How to sell part of the land plot

Sometimes it becomes necessary to sell the land plot, but not all, but only an unnecessary part of it. Circumstances are different, for example, there is a house with a small grill on Earth, and you do not use the rest of the territory and you do not have the ability to treat land. In this case There are sims sL PRcandle part of the site.

You need to highlight some of the territory in a separate area and legitimize as an independent territory. Make it is not easy if you consider how much it is required to circumvent the instance and collect documents. First of all, it is necessary to finance land management work.

  After Registration of land and formation individual cadastral number you can fully manage separated The estate is to sell, surrender and make it secured. But it is preliminarily necessary to perform a number of actions to separate the land.

Land Sale

Check if you have land inventory registration and whether the site is privatized. If there is no ownership or cadastral plan, then it must be issued. Order a technical document on the division or union of the plots in the landowing structure.

  If You do not know where to contact, ask your neighbors who were previously engaged in the design of such documents. Usually in the territory of rural management structures there are land sustainable. In a small, deaf village maybe And not be such organizations, then contact the district office.

Turning to the performer of the necessary documentation, request a land management engineer certificate, permission for registration and confirmation of documents, otherwise the paper received will be considered notvalid.

Make up an agreement with an exposureal organization for the provision of services, where specify the cost and timing of the work. Be sure to carefully read the draft treaty and, with any ambiguities, ask for refinement to lawyers. Often The deadline for performing work and drawing up documents is no more than six months.

  After Geodesic conclusion and fixing with boundary marks, if such are required, refer to the cadastral recorder. This is a civil servant that accepts statements about the registration of land plots. To the application, attach the following documents:

  • A copy of the passport (the original take with you);
  • A copy of the power of attorney (if any);
  • Copy of the identification code;
  • Technical documentation obtained from a land management organization, in a printed and electronic version;
  • Receipt of payment of services.

  Yours The statement is obliged to consider within 14 days. In case of compliance with the documentation and the absence of violations state Registry draws up both plots and issued You need a document. Extract from land cadastre for each of the decorated areas issued separately.

The last stage is to obtain property rights or simply speaking privatization. Such a document issued State Registration Service. Now your right to both plot has legal force, take the buyer and go to the notary to enter into a deal.

The procedure for separating the land plot is a long process, be patient, because a complete set of documents may be treated during of the year.

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Nastya 03/17/2018 at 23:00

That is, if I bought the Earth in one piece and I have a lot of it, then I can spend the survey, register a plot and sell it, right? I liked the plot to Avito, and when they came, so they saw that very good earth. One thing is - very big, we have such a thing ... hope to sell.

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