How to scream the land plot

How to scream the land plot

The person in whose ownership is any property wants to dispose of it undividedly at his own discretion - this is inherent in our nature. The right to use and inviolability of property is guaranteed and protected by law. However, there is a concept of joint property, which in fact causes many disputes between co -owners. In the case when the land becomes the cause of conflicts, the question arises of how to strip the land plot.

The process of land surveying itself includes several stages: preparatory, project development, directly surveying, documentation. Conventionally, the procedure for determining the new boundaries of its land put on the following:

  • answer the questions to how many plots you will divide the original allotment and what size these areas will be;
  • choose a survey specialist and conclude an agreement with him;
  • transfer the initiative to the hands of a specialist - he will conduct survey and make a boundary plan;
  • documented the formed areas and register them;
  • register the part of the Earth formed by land surveying and receive ownership of them.

The first stage is quite understandable. The only thing to take into account: the formed land should have an area within the limits of the minimum and maximum size established by law. About the norms of the area In your case, find out in the district administration, since the data vary depending on the subject of the Federation.

The cadastral engineer with the appropriate qualification certificate is easy to find. All data on specialists You can find on the corresponding page of Rosreestr. Choose a specialist and conclude a contract for the implementation of cadastral work, you will need to provide a passport and a document for the right to own the site.

When concluding the contract, calculate from 10,000 rubles. And the term is from 3 to 6 months. In the process of work, borders bordering on your land can be affected, then it is necessary to coordinate the boundaries with neighbors. The result of the work of the cadastral engineer is a boundary plan. It is performed in 2 copies-one for you, the second for the Archive of Rossreestr.

Clause 1.1

Clause 1.2

Clause 1.3

Clause 1.4

After holding a land survey and receiving a plan, you will need to put your land allotments for registration. To do this, write a statement of cadastral accounting and hand over it in Federal Cadastral Chamber. Attach a boundary plan, passport and a notarized copy of the right to own the site. Within 18 calendar days, you will be given a cadastral passport.

Application form on the registration of the land plot You can download here.

The final stage of land surveying - appeal to Rossreestr. You need to register ownership of new areas. You will need to provide the following documents:

  • received in the cadastral ward, a new cadastral passport;
  • the decision on the division of the land (in free form);
  • title document for the original section;
  • the passport.

A sample of filling out an application for a cadastral registration of a land plot on our website.

Squire the land and get the right to own the resulting land objects by the documentation yourself or through a trustee. After the implementation of all formalities with each site, you can perform any real estate transactions permitted by law.

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