How to find out who owns land

How to find out who owns land

Information about the land plot and its owner is set in a variety of organizations. If you make a little effort and competently draw up requests, then find out who owns the land plot, possibly and on their own.

Any land owner has a legal owner, information about which can be obtained in the local district administration. In the case when the plot is not issued, it belongs to the local municipality.

Information about the sale and sale of land plot can be found in the Federal State Registration Service, Cadastre and Cartography. By applying to this instance, specifying the reason for interest and paying the state duty, you can get information about the owner. The cadastral number of the plot can be found directly on the Rosreestra website, using the online card -

The owner of the land plot is obliged to pay an annual, the law established by land. Consequently, the data on the owner of the land plot is available in the tax inspectorate where you can also contact.

If you refused in previous instances, you can try to apply to the newspaper. First find out the cadastral number of the object on the online map of Rosreestra, and then make an advertisement indicating the number and intentions to buy a plot. There are cases when the hosts responded.

You can also try to refer to experienced real estate agents engaged in the sale of land and private houses. Their contacts with registration service workers can help in your question.

Of course, to find out who owns the land plot is not so easy. However, in perseverance and purposefulness. Good luck!


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Natalia Astafieva 09/16/2014 at 10:30

I made an electronic request, now you need to pay, but how to pay in confusion what to do ... walk and bow, but what about the 21st century, the age of information technology !!!! ......... Help with payment !!! Answer
Your statement No. 40-2448917, registered on the portal 15.09.2014, is awaiting payment. Payment code - 6063424489172589.
To continue work, you must select the payment option that suits you. Payment will ensure further request processing. To make a choice of a possible payment option, you can pass on the link.
Note: Based on orders No. 75 and No. 180 of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, payment for the provision of information must be made no later than one month from the date of request.

Please note that the translation of the application to the status "in work" will occur no earlier than the settlement organization will provide information on the payment held. According to the Public Offer, the Settlement Organization transmits information on payment to Rosreestr to the next banking day after the post of payment until 12:00 (Moscow time).
After the request is executed, you can download the result on the portal. After the request is executed, you can download the result on the portal. Use the C86A6 code to gain access to the result. Save, please, this code, without it you will not be able to get documents on the portal.
Administration of the Internet portal of public services,
rendered by Rosreestr in electronic form "

to communicate mail - Thanks in advance.

To answer
vasya 12/09/2015 at 18:07

I do not understand why did the state stage made from this? Wherever you go, there is a shabby and fat ass and fights that nothing knows. Hence the conclusion: this is a good business for resale land.

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