How to get a cadastral passport for an apartment

How to get a cadastral passport for an apartment

By selling your old apartment or, on the contrary, buying a new one, all owners must have an apartment passport on the hands. The presence of a cadastral passport suggests that the apartment is registered in the general state register (federal information resource).

The cadastral passport contains such information about the apartment:

  • Address;
  • Square;
  • Number of rooms.

The passport also indicates all data on the house in which the apartment is located:

  • Year and month of construction;
  • Number of floors;
  • The material from which walls and overlaps are made;
  • Type of heating;
  • The date of the last major repairs of the house.

The cadastral passport has limitations on time - this is only one year from the date of its issuance. If you do not plan to sell an apartment, then you don't need a passport. But if such an event is approaching, the passport should be ordered. Engaged in the manufacture and issuance of cadastral passports Cadastral Chamber, which is a functional division of Rosreestra.

In order to order a passport, the institution needs to bring the following documents:

  • A document confirming that the apartment is your property;
  • Technical passport on the apartment;
  • Receipt of payment of state duty for the services of the Cadastral Chamber.

You need to come to officials with a personal passport and write an application for the manufacture of the cadastral passport.

The law provides that if everything is in order with the documents submitted, then the passport must be ready within five working days. If a person to apply to the Rosreestr on his own, then the manufacture of the cadastral passport will cost him only 200 rubles. All sorts of firms offering services for the order and receiving a passport of proxy from the owner take a lot more. But they make changes to the serviceport, if the apartment was redeveloped.

Please note that the main document that representatives of Rosreestra will require a vehicle to the apartment (updated every five years). Now you know exactly how to order and get a passport. Good luck!

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