In cadastral discharge there are publicly available information, they can be provided to any citizen of our country at a request. This document displays information about the property of interest: land category, cost of plot, its area, name of the right holder, as well as the type of law.
To get a cadastral statement, you need to know the exact address of the corresponding land plot or its cadastral number. The procedure for manufacturing this document is entrusted to the territorial units of the Federal State Administration "Land Cadastral Chamber". On site Rosreestra You can learn detailed information about the work of territorial departments (on the "About Rosreestre" tab at the top of the page), their bank details.
On the Public Services tab, you can familiarize yourself with the procedure, the amount of payment, as well as study general information regarding the provision of extracts. Today, such a document can be ordered remotely, on the Rosreestra website.
You can pay for the provision of extracting in any bank, postal transfer or using Kiwi Bank using electronic translation. For individuals, the cost of extracting on paper will be 400 rubles, and for legal entities - 1,200 p. If the application is submitted in the electronic version, its cost will be 150 or 300 p. respectively. The receipt should be applied to the application. If the extract is ordered on the site, the receipt must be sent in electronic form.
If you decide to file a statement personally, then the specialist will most likely fill it independently, asks you to sign signature. The statement must contain the exact address of the object or the cadastral number. In addition, the applicant's passport data is also made, so the document should be kept. Also in the form indicates the required number of document instances and the desired method of obtaining it. You can pick up an extract in the cadastral ward, get in the mail.
When submitting an application through the site, in electronic form, the application form, an example of its filling can be seen in the "Blanks" section of the fifth point in the "Public Services" tab.
You can send a request through the "Electronic Services" section by filling out the proposed form (real estate data, the applicant).
There is a third option for submitting an application for registration of cadastral extract. You can send to the cadastral ward by mail a registered letter with a notice, which is putting a statement, receipt for state duty, a copy of the passport. Form Applications and its completed sample You can find from us.
According to the current legislation, the application will be considered no longer than 5 days. After this period, you can visit the cadastral ward to pick up an extract if you indicated this option to obtain it. If you expect a letter by mail, it can take a little longer, as the letter with discharge on the fifth day will be only sent.