How to find out the number of the organization's current account

How to find out the number of the organization's current account

Settlement account is a 20-digit code. It is assigned to the bank and is intended for calculations and operational storage of funds. Information on the current account may be needed for payments or recovery of debt from the counterparty.

If you have an agreement with the organization, the current account can be viewed on the last page, it is listed in the "Addresses and Details of the Parties" section. Be careful if there are several settlement accounts. Pay attention to the account currency, usually all calculations between residents of the Russian Federation are produced in rubles.

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It is even easier to find out the number of the current account if you have an account for payment sent by the counterparty. The information you need is in the account header, in the section "Sample Fill Payment Order".

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In addition, you can find out the number of the current account using the following software:

  • 1c accounting. Current account can be viewed in the section "Counterparties" by using sorting by name
  • Bank-client. See the payment orders already made in favor of the organization. The information you need is contained in the "Recipient's Settlement Account" field.

If nothing listed is not found, try searching for organizing data on the Internet. Typically, the data on the current account can be found in the "Contacts" or "Payment details" sections.

If the organization is your debtor and evades payments, debt collection is carried out in court. But the organization can close the current account and open a new one, whose details will not be known to you. In this case, you have the right to contact the Tax Inspectorate to request the desired information. Write an application and attach a notarized copy of the executive list to it. Seven days later you will be provided with complete information.

The network you can find a large number of sites offering to buy an extract Egorl. Customers assure that for a small amount you can find out all the information about the organization, including the current account. This is usually fraudulent firms. This extract can only be obtained on request, and it does not contain information about the current account.

Do not forget that bank organizations do not have the right to disclose information on payment details to third parties. The use of information about other people's current accounts for the purpose of profit or deception is prosecuted.


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