How to find an OKPO organization on the Inn

How to find an OKPO organization on the Inn

Each registered organization has identification codes that are tied to an individual code in the system of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO). OKPO code is necessary for the interaction of various organizations (the design of counterparties, accounting, etc.), state accounting, control, forecasting, etc. In the case when there is no possibility to obtain OKPO code from the organization itself, other methods come to the aid, for example, obtaining information on the INN in third-party organizations. It is worth remembering that information about OKPO code is not confidential

To get information for free, it is necessary to personally contact the place of registration of the desired organization to the Social Insurance Fund, the tax inspectorate or district administration. The application is adopted in the presence of documents certifying the identity, identification code and evidence of the registration of the applicant's individual entrepreneur. Processing an application for an OKPO code on the identification code of the organization is carried out within 5 business days. In a written response, the OKPO will be indicated, the accuracy is confirmed by the organization of the organization in which the applicant addressed.

In short terms, information on OKPO code for the INN organization can be obtained from a notary. The application is drawn up by prepayment, processed within 2-24 hours. The cost of this service is small, because Application processing does not cause major difficulties and does not provide for the serious responsibility of the notary. The answer to the application is a document that is legally binding.

In each district administration there is a telephone help service that can report OKPO code, but when knowledge of the name and address, which is registered by the organization. The service is free and does not require data INN. The answer is oral, having no documentary confirmation.


Some Internet resources provide the ability to learn OKPO codes remotely, but they do not give guarantees. All data they draw from the official site Rosstata. In order not to resort to the help of third-party resources, it is necessary:

  • go on the website;
  • in the top menu, select Count "Official Statistics";
  • open item "Database";
  • in the proposed databases, it is necessary to find data on enterprises and organizations;
  • or submit a request to the site administration.


Convenient service is the Internet application "Russian tables" To use them, you need to:

  • go to site;
  • in the right side menu "Reference books»Select OKPO;
  • open OKPO code search service and click on the button. "Open the application»;
  • in the window that appears, enter the Inn and wait for the query processing.


OKPO is part of Statistical register of business entities and is not confidential information.

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