How to customs the goods from china

How to customs the goods from china

Chinese goods have long and firmly settled on the Russian market, attracting consumers with relatively low prices. But before you get on the shelves of the stores, the goods pass customs clearance and control, in more simply, they are cleared. What you need to know those who decided to engage in the import of goods from China?

The process of customs clearance of Chinese products is not much different from the procedure for similar goods of other countries. However, it is often precisely the Chinese goods are subject to increased control by customs authorities, mainly due to questions about their quality.

How to customize the cargo - independently or contacting the competent specialists to solve you. This largely depends on the number of goods that you plan to import, from the selected delivery method and the amount you are willing to pay for customs clearance services. In particular, in addition to customs brokers, such services will simply provide some carriers.

If you decide to act at your own risk, you will be useful for the following information. The first thing to be remembered by customs clearance (with the payment of all payments and fees) is subject to transported goods over 65 thousand rubles across the border. The second - the actual process of customerization is preceded by a serious preparatory stage for the collection of information: on the product, with the selection of the codes of the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity, the necessary permits, the conditions of delivery and the requirements of the customs authorities to the customs value. It is especially important to miss anything, as some types of documents, such as certificates of origin, compliance, are issued by the manufacturer when shipping goods. Making up documents, pay special attention to the correctness of the wording and translations from foreign languages.

Declaration on the goods or the cargo Customs Declaration (GTD) is not the only document that will be required at customs. It is also necessary to provide the Declaration of Customs Cost, the Foreign Economic Agreement, an invoice (invoice), specification, certificates and imprisonment of sanitary and epidemiological service, commodent documents.

Before you go to pay for customs payments (duties, fees and VAT), you have to agree with the customs authorities the issue of customs value, which serves as a basis for accrualing all payments. Entrepreneurs are striving to undertake it, customs - to overeat, therefore the cost confirmed by the documents provided may be changed on the basis of price indicators for similar products.

After the successful passage of customs control and registration, you receive a declaration on the goods with printing, and from now on your product can be free on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Be careful when drawing up documents. Errors, incomplete package of documents can lead to customs delay, which is fraught with additional costs and time loss.

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Victoria 09/26/2018 at 17:47.

Trusting the delivery and customs clearance of the onist groups, you beat it with professionals, while save your money, time and nerves.

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