How to return money for the goods

How to return money for the goods

What to do in a situation where the poor-quality thing was acquired and the question of her return back to the store? Consider several options and situations.

Product defective. This is the most difficult situation. If the seller does not make concessions and does not believe the word, then the consumer will need to prove that the subject was poor quality in the store. And how can I define it? How do you documented that you are not broken? If there is such a situation - do not hang nose and do not give up. Go to the service center. There, give your purchase to the expertise and require a written report. This is usually an inexpensive procedure. But if you are dissatisfied, for example, a refrigerator, then the money for the inspection will seem just a penny. Having received a certified document in the hands of the hand in which it is written that the goods have a factory marriage and you are not involved in his breakdown - go to the store. According to Art. 8, the seller no longer has the right to refuse and take the goods. Mandatory condition - the presence of a check.

The goods simply did not approach (in color, size, etc.). In this situation, it is much easier to figure out. You bring a quality product and ask to replace / return the money. Perhaps the buyer will require written to state the reason for refusal and return. But sellers without conversations will take your purchase.

The goods have already been to use. Let's deal with what can be returned. If, for example, you broke microwaveBut the warranty period is not expired - you need to safely demand a replacement or money in the store. But if you purchased shoes, they liked a few days and realized that the shoes did not "deal" - no seller could help you. The goods used nowhere are not accepted. More cannot be brought back drugs, personal hygiene, gold and perfume.

The goods were purchased more than 14 days ago. In such a situation, the store is entitled to refuse return or pay money for the purchase. There is only one way out here - go to court.

Lost a check on the goods. You can contact the store and write a statement asking for a duplicate. The main thing is to indicate the approximate purchase time, the seller who served you, and the exact amount of the check. But the experience shows that without a check, your chances are zero, and the duplicate is very rarely provided, referring to what failed, it was reset or reflashing the cashier.

In any of these situations, you have the full right to return money for purchased goods or exchange it on the same. The main thing is to have sufficient information and know your rights as a consumer.

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