How to make a return on a lard

How to make a return on a lard

Lamody - The largest online clothing store, shoes, accessories. There are more than two million positions of certified goods, loyal prices, their own courier delivery service, working throughout Russia, experienced consultants and, if the goods did not come up, a guaranteed refund. You can return the amount spent on the purchase in several ways.

How to make a return on a laminator through the courier

The purchase of clothing and footwear via the Internet is always associated with some risk: you just see in the photo and can not touch, try, sniff, on the subject of fragile dyes, chosen thing. Therefore, when receiving an order, buying can disappoint you, and then the question will rise - how to get back the spent capital?

Consider the option when your order from Lamody Brought courier. Everything is very simple here - unpack, take, you pay, which came up, the rest return.

Note: All about everything is given 15 minutes, that is, a free time is a quarter of an hour.

If all the order is not suitable - hand it back through the messenger. In this case, you will not spend at all, as delivery in the store is free.

How to make a return to the lamination through the pick-up point

The goods can be passed in Moscow at the points of issuing orders, their addresses are listed on the site. Lamody On the page - support center. Work points from Monday to Sunday - from 10 am to 8 pm. Time to return - 14 days.

With you, have a passport, invoice, check, application for refund. This document you fill on the website of the store as follows:

  • log in to your personal account. Open the return form. Select the product you want to send;
  • fill in all the sections of the application, specifying the number of return purchases, their size, name, reasons for the reasons for the return, the sum of given things, the method of transferring funds;
  • enter personal data, put a signature. Save the document.

Almost instantly, a ready-made form will come to email, print it and attach it to the goods.


How to make a return to the laminate via the post office

You can return the goods through any post office of the connection of your city.

  • Fold in the parcel unnecessary goods, prepared documents - a copy of the passport, check, invoice, statement.
  • Sign up the address - 140150, Moscow region, the village Bykovo, A / I No. 47, "Caucasus".
  • Send things to a simple mailing, not cash on delivery.

Money OT Lamody Return 10 days after the parcel comes to the store's warehouse. Tools will be transferred to a bank card if its details you indicated in the application if you have entered the home address and the name of the recipient - wait for the postal translation.

In addition to the described methods, return the order is possible through the PickPoint posts and in the Introduction points of the Internet orders -, provided that you received your order there. Read more in more detail in the heading of the store - how can I return the goods?


How to make a return on a lard - Useful information

Within 14 days, you can guarantee return purchased things if:

  • the purchased products were not worn, have labels, tags, packaging. Do not forget that all the goods are checking and when traces of use are detected, you have the right to refuse to reimburse the cost;
  • there is a commodity check and a proposed statement;
  • an information about the warranty period is attached.

Remember that some types of goods can not be exchanged or returned - perfume, underwear, knitted, sewing products, and so on. Full list Look at the site Lamody. By the way, this is not a whim of the store, but the fulfillment of the law of the Russian Federation.

As you can see, buy on Lamody You can without fear - the store provides you, to your customers, all the conditions for the return and receiving the money spent.

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